
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by JakeDGator, Mar 14, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hello. I have the plugin plotme and I am having trouble creating a second plotme world.
    I know I have to add the world name into the config but it still wont work. Heres the command I used:
    /mv create plotcreative normal -g PlotMe
    But whenever I go to it, normal default users are able to destroy on the road and others plots. Any help? Heres my config.
    PlotAutoLimit: 1000
    PathWidth: 7
    PlotSize: 32
    BottomBlockId: '7'
    WallBlockId: '44'
    PlotFloorBlockId: '2'
    PlotFillingBlockId: '3'
    RoadMainBlockId: '5'
    RoadStripeBlockId: '5:2'
    RoadHeight: 64
    DaysToExpiration: 7
    - 54
    - 61
    - 62
    - 120
    - 94
    - 93
    - 84
    - 25
    - 355
    - 118
    - 117
    - 138
    - 140
    - 145
    - '351:15'
    - '259'
    - '328'
    - '343'
    - '342'
    - '333'
    ProtectedWallBlockId: '44:4'
    ForSaleWallBlockId: '44:1'
    AuctionWallBlockId: '44:1'
    AutoLinkPlots: true
    DisableExplosion: true
    DisableIgnition: true
    UseEconomy: false
    CanPutOnSale: false
    CanSellToBank: false
    RefundClaimPriceOnReset: false
    RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner: false
    ClaimPrice: 0.0
    ClearPrice: 0.0
    AddPlayerPrice: 0.0
    DenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
    RemovePlayerPrice: 0.0
    UndenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
    PlotHomePrice: 0.0
    CanCustomizeSellPrice: false
    SellToPlayerPrice: 0.0
    SellToBankPrice: 0.0
    BuyFromBankPrice: 0.0
    AddCommentPrice: 0.0
    BiomeChangePrice: 0.0
    ProtectPrice: 0.0
    DisposePrice: 0.0
    usemySQL: false
    mySQLconn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
    mySQLuname: root
    mySQLpass: password
    globalUseEconomy: false
    AdvancedLogging: false
    Language: english
    allowWorldTeleport: true
    defaultWEAnywhere: false
    auto-update: false
    allowToDeny: true
    PlotAutoLimit: 1000
    PathWidth: 7
    PlotSize: 32
    BottomBlockId: '7'
    WallBlockId: '44'
    PlotFloorBlockId: '2'
    PlotFillingBlockId: '3'
    RoadMainBlockId: '5'
    RoadStripeBlockId: '5:2'
    RoadHeight: 64
    DaysToExpiration: 7
    - 54
    - 61
    - 62
    - 120
    - 94
    - 93
    - 84
    - 25
    - 355
    - 118
    - 117
    - 138
    - 140
    - 145
    - '351:15'
    - '259'
    - '328'
    - '343'
    - '342'
    - '333'
    ProtectedWallBlockId: '44:4'
    ForSaleWallBlockId: '44:1'
    AuctionWallBlockId: '44:1'
    AutoLinkPlots: true
    DisableExplosion: true
    DisableIgnition: true
    UseEconomy: false
    CanPutOnSale: false
    CanSellToBank: false
    RefundClaimPriceOnReset: false
    RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner: false
    ClaimPrice: 0.0
    ClearPrice: 0.0
    AddPlayerPrice: 0.0
    DenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
    RemovePlayerPrice: 0.0
    UndenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
    PlotHomePrice: 0.0
    CanCustomizeSellPrice: false
    SellToPlayerPrice: 0.0
    SellToBankPrice: 0.0
    BuyFromBankPrice: 0.0
    AddCommentPrice: 0.0
    BiomeChangePrice: 0.0
    ProtectPrice: 0.0
    DisposePrice: 0.0
    usemySQL: false
    mySQLconn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
    mySQLuname: root
    mySQLpass: password
    globalUseEconomy: false
    AdvancedLogging: false
    Language: english
    allowWorldTeleport: true
    defaultWEAnywhere: false
    auto-update: false
    allowToDeny: true
  2. Offline


    To create the plotme world type /mv create plotworld -g PlotMe I saw you did /mv create plotcreative -g PlotMe which is incorrect. Hope that helps! :)
  3. Offline


    Use next time for code :)
  4. Offline


    Yes But i wanted to name the world something different.
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