[FUN][MECH] Deities, Demigods, and Favor Points

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Janb, Mar 3, 2011.

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    Deities, Demigods, Favor Points

    Apologies if something like this already exists.

    I would love to see a plug-in with which a sort of 'pantheon' of deities could be defined, each /worshiped deity providing its own benefits/penalties, those represented in the form of, for example, health boosts, mining bonuses, mechanics perks--Bukkit's the limit.

    Essentially, an admin would define a set of deities for the players to choose to worship (those could be listed easily with the Help mod, or Docs). A player may commit to a deity with /worship <deity> and depending on their actions, gain favor and consequentially, powerful abilities.

    Ideally, the plug-in would integrate with others such as Towny (a mayor could /town set worship to set the town's patron deity, granting some additional boon) and the upcoming DwarfCraft (Priest/Oracle/Shaman/etc skill set) and Spells to further expand functionality/fun.

    Gaining Favor & Deity Profiles


    Having set their worship, a player would gain some numerical stat (we'll call it Favor for now) that increases or decreases based on certain acts and their deity’s profile. Some acts that could give or remove Favor:

    Favor gain:

    Sacrifice: Live beasts or harvested foodstuffs, depending on your deity’s primary domain.

    Shrines: Precious materials set in a predefined configuration (lots of potential to affect
    commodity valuation) grant a daily faith increase (Town or player level) or ward against
    consequences based on deity affinity (more below).

    Charity: Chests can be marked 'donation;' items placed within have a chance of granting faith
    points depending on deity profile. Can work with iConomy or similar to have a /money tithe
    command for points as well. Would need some check to avoid abuse, of course.

    Prayer/Reflection/Meditation: Command sets your character in a 'wait state' which disallows
    movement, commands, etc. for a defined period. Can be done once a day for a fixed amount of

    Favor loss (example for deities with the Good domain):

    Pillaging: Some deities could respond negatively to wanton destruction of the wilderness (without
    the mitigation of a shrine) or of other player's structures/shrines/cities
    (obviously not compatible with certain build-rights setups).

    Theft: Taking from chests marked personal by the the plug-in for those servers
    not running chest protection; perhaps an alternative and natural deterrent to hard locks.

    Murder: PvP outside of a sanctioned war; potential natural option to flagged zones.

    Basically, Favor could be spent on the powerful, deity-specific /aid ability, could be used to increase influence (land) in Towny, its total used to calculate bonuses (or curses) for players, or even grant a player a special demigod or saint status when a high enough score is reached!


    A deity’s profile consists of one primary domain and any number of secondary domains. For admins concerned with balance, each domain could also be given an 'index' number, which would be a value score based on the relative strength of the domain (which then could be summed for a picture of overall strength). Some domain examples:





    To give an example, if an admin wished to create a god that is a benevolent druid-type (let's say Cernunnos), they'd probably want his domain profile to look something like:

    Nature (Primary domain)

    The Nature domain would address what is an acceptable sacrifice type, what type of aid the deity provides in exchange for faith points, and a penalty if the player destroys blocks in the wilderness without first asking for a blessing (creating a small shrine). The developer would set this level of specifics (e.g. Nature /aid summons a mob of pigs to smite your enemies and it's acceptable sacrifice items are wheat, bread, fish, porkchops, etc.) while the admin would only set only the domains in a configuration file, as a matter of ease-of-use and implementation.

    The Protection secondary domain gives damage resistance given based on some formula considering a player's Favor score. The Protection secondary is a secondary because it does not specify a sacrifice or aid type.

    The Commerce secondary grants a small monetary yield to sacrifices, in addition to their regular Favor yield (not to be confused with accepted sacrifice type!).

    The Good secondary places restrictions on a players actions, as exampled above under the Favor heading. This domain, while not *directly* beneficial, could have a negative index value, which is helpful for balance.

    There could even be an all-out evil and chaotic god who actually gives positive Favor for generally
    negative actions, but I imagine this would be a 'use at your own risk' option.

    Misc. Feature Ideas

    Holy wars!
    Deity-bestowed quests for points (monster bounty quest, item location, etc)
    Admins can inhabit a deity and address their subjects in a booming chatvoice!
  2. Offline


    I have something along these lines in early development. The main aspect was going to be the shrines, but you have some very nice ideas.
  3. Offline


    Perfect! I'll be looking forward to seeing it released :)
  4. Offline


    I came up with this today and am also planning to make one, if you haven't already. If it's already done, I hope our plugins are sufficiently different. :]
  5. Offline


    I dropped this project, so, no, I havn't done anything.
  6. Offline


    I have seen something in the plugin developement category but I forgot who was developing it. It had to do with demigods and stuff with amazing stuff being added to it.
  7. Offline


    I'm working on it. Link is the picture in my sig, not the donate one (but click it if you want!)

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