Permissions help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by zacky8978, Jul 13, 2013.

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    Okay well I have this plugin bPermissions and I was wondering if someone can help me set up one group like type it out for me. Well basically I just want one group, I don't care what the name is but like all I want the group to have permissions to is all the vanilla un-oped commands and the Essentials /fly command. I am really a noob going into this, I know how to do some editing for it but like I need major help and if you help me I would be so happy.
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    I Don't know why but I feel sorry for you, And will help.

    Firstly Go read the help section on the bpermissions dev.bukkit page that explains how to do every thing with bpermissions.

    Secondly here is the example you asked for.:

    default: player
        - add.some.permission.node
        - ^Remove.some.permission.with.the.^
          prefix: '&0[&7Player&0][&5'
          suffix: '&0]&7 '
    I am not going to add the permission nodes you asked for to the file because i really think its not that hard.
    Also essentials is the Biggest POS ram whore Fail crap ever It has no permissions structure at all just a real pain to use and install not Noob friendly at all.

    regarding the non op commands you should not need to give permissions for those. unless they have been replaced by a stupid plugin like essentials.

    however many many new server owners add in plugins to prevent default bukkit commands such as /plugins /pl and I am here to tell you that that is silly because you can do that with out another plugin. Bukkit has its own permission nodes for thease commands and the default minecraft commands too such as /op and /deop And that can be very handy.

    see this page for a full list of permissions that are in bukkit by default!

    For example on my server I gave Just my name ( not a group ) bukkit.command.op that way no matter what group i am in, I can always op and deop myself or any one else. comes in handy when testing permissions. I also gave my name the permission permissions.admin so i can always change permission groups.
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