I need a custom point system coded :)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iBenjaHD, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun
    Suggested name: McShockPoints

    What I want: I want a custom plugin for points, when you kill people you get points and they lose points, I want a whole config for this plugin where you can see everything. I want this to also add a prefix that you can chose yourself, if I have 1000 points it should display as [1000] iBenjaHD:! Basically when someone kills me I lose points and he gets them, if I lose 10 points, he gets the 10 points. and also there should be a message saying &bMcShock &8» &7You slaughtered (Username) and gained &a(GainedPoints)&7 points! and they will get &bMcShock &8» &7You got slaughtered by (Killer) and lost &a(LostPoints)&7 points! There should be a system where you can type /shop and then you can buy stuff for the points, the shop should be edit able and you should have the permission "McShock.Points.Shop" to access the command /Points shop, that would open a gui where you can buy stuff for points, and you make the shop in the config, there should also be a permission to spawn points in for example, /Points add <username> <points> and then it adds the points to the user you gave it to, I also want you to add /Points remove <username> <points> so you can remove points aswell, the permissions to remove and add should be "MrShock.Points.Remove" And "MrShock.Points.Add" and to access and there should be a config where all the points will be saved. I also want that you can add a config file where you can see how much points people have and stuff and I also want that you can do /points reload to reload the config and stuff. All the messages should be customize able in the config. And you should also be able to bounty people with /points bounty <username> <amount>, this requires the permission "McShock.Points.Bounty" when you bounty someone you lose the amount you've bountied. The person that kills the guy that has been bountied get's the amount that was bountied. And there should be a broadcast that says &bMcShock &8» &a(Killer) &7killed &a(BountyKid) &7and got the bounty on &a(BountyAmount)&7! that's when someone that's bountied gets killed, but if someone bounties someone it will broadcast: &bMcShock &8» &7There is now a &a(BountyAmount) &7 bounty on &a(BountiedGuy)&7! and there should be options to turn the broadcasts off in the config. I also want a command where you can send points to other people with /Points send <username> <points> and you need the permission "MrShock.Points.sEND" to access that command.

    Ideas for commands: Main command: /Points, to send people points the command is /points send <username> <amount>, To enter shop you type /points shop there should be an alias where you can type /shop aswell. And to add points and remove points: /points remove <username> <amount>, /points add <username> <amount>. And /points reload to reload the config. /Points bounty <username> <amount>

    Ideas for permissions: McShock.Points.Shop ,MrShock.Points.Remove,MrShock.Points.Add,MrShock.Points.Add,McShock.Points.Bounty

    When I'd like it by: Asap :p
  2. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    I wont have time to create this one, sorry :( It's way too big, wont have time.
  3. Offline


    I cri
  4. iBenjaHD Yeah I am the same, sorry.
  5. Offline


    bwfcwalshy Oh hopefully that doesn't become a problem :S
  6. Offline


    I agree with the others. This plugin would take way too much time. The first part with the points, sending points/adding/removing and prefix along with the messages are simple and quick, but adding a customisable gui shop that uses the points, as well as the bounties.. Way too much. That would take a while.
  7. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    iBenjaHD First thought on this: TokenShop. Second thought: any shop gui plugin with any economy and bounty plugin.
  8. Offline


    I really need this custom coded, I'm sorry.
  9. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Could you say why?
    dsouzamatt likes this.
  10. Offline


    Because no plugin is like this and all plugins on my server is custom coded :)
  11. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    The second argument isn't really working on this forum. Nobody likes it to recreate something that already exists.

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