Group Manager - Probably strangest Error ever.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by vipescos, Oct 23, 2014.

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    Alright so let's clear this up for anybody joining into this post I have literally zero idea on what is going on at all when it comes to this issue as no forum post have covered it nothing is going over how to fix it the error just randomly appeared out of the blue with no editing to the config at all.

    So let's explain this.. I am assuming I pissed off somebody who had rights on their account they was not suppose to when I deoped some players, this being what caused someone to do something that would cause this issue or maybe my host just messed something up realistically I don't completely know.

    How ever what's happening right now is this.. I am the only person within my server who can see the groups at all and can be placed in a group so I am assuming somebody has placed a command somewhere to only allow me to be added into groups which I did not know was possible but maybe it is? Or maybe group manager just became corrupt randomly?
  2. vipescos there should be a flag in the config like only ops can join groups or a permission like group.join was set to op instead of true and now nobody can use it anymore except for op. As you should know, a jar is like a zip or a .rar. Open it and look in the plugin.yml file. there should be set a permission for every command and every function the plugin has. maybe he changed it there, but you could easily download the plugin again, replace it with the old one and try to run it again. if the "error" still happens, you know it must be something in the config. But i dont know much enough about group manager to be able to tell you exactly what it could be
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