[FUN]CaptureTheRecord v0.89(beta) - More easily manage Capture the Record games [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Mirosta, Jun 11, 2011.

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    CaptureTheRecord - Capture the Record: Version: v0.89(beta) Capture the Record is a plugin designed to help server admins easily manage and play Capture the Record.

    All updates, help and downloads can now be found at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ctr

    Original Help:
    Show Spoiler

    Capture the Record Rules:
    • Two teams, gold team and green team, these teams correspond to the colours of the records
    • Both teams are allocated spawn areas and a radius, in which the record can be placed and captured, each spawn area is automatically given a chest, called the team chest.
    • The team chest cannot be accessed until the game starts, it contains the record for that team
    • Creepers are disabled (optional)
    • Items cannot be brought to or from the game world (except to and from the nether)
    • Non ops cannot build before the game starts (unless given the ctr.world.allowedit permission)
    • You can't enter the nether with a record
    • You can't drop your record
    • You can't leave your spawn area with your record
    • When the game starts both teams have an pre allocated length of time to build defences, this is called the build time, during this:
      • PVP is disabled
      • You cannot enter the other teams spawn area
      • You cannot use chests within the spawn area of the other team
      • You cannot edit blocks inside the other teams spawn area
      • Chests can only be used above water level and within your spawn area, while holding a record, this prevents people hiding records far underground or very far away
      • If your record isn't in a chest in the spawn area when the time expires, you lose
    • After this time expires, both teams have a pre allocated length of time to capture the other team's record, this is called the capture time, during this:
      • PVP is enabled
      • Using the other team's record in a jukebox, which is in your spawn area, wins the game! (Or using the shared jukebox, this is up to you)
      • If the time elapses it's a draw
      • You can enter the other teams spawn, destroy blocks, place blocks, open chests etc

    • Adding a new world to be used as the game world
    • Using a pre-existing world as the game world
    • Regenerating large areas of the world, so you can restart from scratch after a game
    • Prevents cross team chat during a game, except via a specific command
    • Prevents most command use except specific commands during games
    • Ignores actions performed in worlds other than the game world
    • Seperating users into two teams, gold and green
    • Set the respawn locations for the two teams, including a team chest where the appropriate colour record is automatically added
    • Respawns are team specific
    • Teleporting between the home and game world
    • Enforces all of the game rules listed above
    • Configurable, with more options being added
    • Permissions support
    • Create bedrock walled areas to build in (as in CTR 1 and CTR 2)
    • Put green/gold wool blocks on people's heads for team identification

        shortened versions: startg
        description: Start the CTR game
        permissions required: ctr.game.start
        usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: stopg
      description: Stop the CTR game
       permissions required: ctr.game.stop
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: addgw
      description: Create a new game world(or reload one after a server restart)
      permissions required: ctr.world.add
      usage: /<command> <worldName>
      shortened versions: setgw
      description: Set an existing world as the game world
      permissions required: ctr.world.set
      usage: /<command> <worldName>
      shortened versions: telegw
      description: Teleport yourself or someone else to the game world's spawn, saves the players current inventory and then clears it
      permissions required: ctr.tele.gameworld and ctr.other.tele.gameworld to teleport others
      usage: /<command> [Player]
        shortened versions: telehw
        description: Teleport yourself or someone else to the normal world's spawn, loads the saved inventory
        permissions required: ctr.tele.homeworld and ctr.other.tele.homeworld to teleport others
        usage: /<command> [Player]
      shortened versions: grn,green
      description: Makes you or another player join the green team's fight against gold!
      permissions required: ctr.teams.joincustom and ctr.other.teams.joincustom to force others to join
      usage: /<command> [Player]
      shortened versions: gld,gold
        description: Makes you or another player join the gold team's fight against green!
        permissions required: ctr.teams.joincustom and ctr.other.teams.joincustom to force others to join
        usage: /<command> [Player]
      shortened versions: leave, leavet
      description: Makes you or another player leave your team and teleports you to the home world
      permissions required: ctr.teams.leave and ctr.other.teams.leave to force others to leave
      usage: /<command> [Player]
      shortened versions: b
      description: Broadcasts your message to both teams
      permissions required: ctr.chat.banter
      usage: /<command> <message>
      shortened versions: gdspn
      description: Sets the spawn point for the gold team, must have selected the block with an iron bar first
      permissions required: ctr.teams.setspawn
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: gnspn
      description: Sets the spawn point for the green team, must have selected the block with an iron bar first
      permissions required: ctr.teams.setspawn
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: telegn
      description: Teleports you to green spawn
      permissions required: ctr.tele.teamspawn
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: telegd
      description: Teleports you to gold spawn
      permissions required: ctr.tele.teamspawn
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: bldmin
      description: With a parameter sets the time allowed for building, else returns current build minutes
      permissions required: ctr.config.buildminutes
      usage: /<command> [setMinutes]
      shortened versions: capmin
      description: With a parameter sets the time allowed for capturing, else returns current capture minutes
      permissions required: ctr.config.captureminutes
      usage: /<command> [setMinutes]
      shortened versions: gmtm
      description: Displays the amount of time left for building or capturing.
      permissions required: ctr.info.gametime
      usage: /<command>
      shortened versions: spbd
      description: With a parameter sets the distance allowed for chest placement and use, else returns current build distance
      permissions required: ctr.config.builddistance
      usage: /<command> [setDistance]
      shortened versions: regengw
      description: Regenerates the game world from your position up to ChunkDistance chunks(16x128x16 blocks) away using the world's seed
      permissions required: ctr.world.regen
      usage: /<command> <ChunkDistance>
        shortened versions: jtm
        description: Automatically assign's a team to you or another player
        permissions required: ctr.teams.join and ctr.other.teams.join to force others to join
        usage: /<command> [Player]
        shortened versions: tlist
        description: List the players in the two teams
        permissions required: ctr.teams.list
        usage: /<command> [Page No] [TeamColour(gold/green)]
        shortened versions: wldbk
        description: Save an area of your game world in a square of side length 2 * chunkDistance centred on your location's chunk or chunk (0,0) if used from console
        permissions required: ctr.world.backup
        usage: /<command> <chunkDistance(1-6)> <backupName>
        shortened versions: bklist
        description: List the currently stored backups
        permissions required: ctr.world.listbackups
        usage: /<command>
        shortened versions: wldrs
        description: Restore the world from a backup
        permissions required: ctr.world.restore
        usage: /<command> <backupName>
        shortened versions: rvbk
        description: Remove a stored backup
        permissions required: ctr.world.removebackup
        usage: /<command> <backupName>
        shortened versions: bdwl
        description: Make a bedrock wall surrounding the two points you selected (worldedit style       selection with an iron ingot), with a bedrock wall in the center, this will automatically get       turned to glass at the end of the build time
        permissions required: ctr.world.bedrockwall
        usage: /<command>
        shortened versions: rsbdw, resetbd
        description: Reset the bedrock wall from previously used coordinates, and choose whether to reset the blocks
        permissions required: ctr.world.bedrockwall
        usage: /<command> [resetBlocks (default false)]
        shortened versions: sjb, setjb
        description: Make this the shared, single jukebox
        permissions required: ctr.teams.jukebox
        usage: /<command>
        shortened versions: ctr, chelp
        description: Provides a list of CTR commands you can use along with a description
        permissions required: ctr.help
        usage: /<command> [page]
    Config File:
    NOTE: The config file can be reset by deleting it and restarting the CTR plugin or the server, it should also auto update now for new versions
        version: 0.89 - Leave this alone, it may mess up your config if changed
            autosort team: false - Will make players automatically be assigned a team and teleport them to the correct spawn
            build time: 120 - The default build time in minutes, can be changed in game
            capture time: 120 - The default capture time in minutes, can be changed in game
            spawn radius: 20 - The default spawn radius in blocks, can be changed in game
            max distance: 100 - The max distance that can be travelled in blocks, enforced by a bedrock wall, use with care
            enforce max distance: false - Whether or not to use the max distance feature
            wall protection: false - Can make the bedrock wall set with /bedrockwall be used as an extension to a team's spawn area
            creepers on: false - Whether or not creepers should be spawned
            single jukebox: false - Whether a single shared jukebox or individual team jukeboxes should be used
            pvp in build time:false - Whether or not pvp is allowed during the build time
            wool helmet: true - Whether or not a gold/green wool block is put on player's heads for team identification
        team chest:
            items per member: false - Default of whether items should be given per team member, i.e. 2 team members would give 2*32 stacks of iron bars
            team chest items: [265 32 true,306] - items to add at the beginning of a game(excluding records) in the format itemID number perTeamMember
            - if perTeamMember is left blank, uses the default in items per member
            - if number is left blank assumes 1
        allowed commands: - the commands that can be used during a CTR game, in the format CommandName,Generally Available
            - If not generally available requires that the player be an op or has the ctr.game.admin permission
            - Please note that permissions for all commands are still required as normal as well
            - banter,true
            - joingold,false
            - joingreen,false
            - jointeam,false
            - telegameworld,false
            - leavegame,true
            - stopgame,false
            - gametime,true
            - telegold,true
            - telegreen,true
    Record a video demonstration (till then plenty of ctr games on youtube)
    Thanks to godgodgodgo for their suggestion
    • lobby system
    Thanks to Dakrul for their suggestion

    • Item rewards for winners
    Thanks to compgurusteve for their suggestion

    • Continuous play
    Thanks to fatmarley for their suggestion

    • Compasses point to other team spawn (configurable)
    Other suggestions? Please feel free to suggest!

    Version 0.89
    • Various bugfixes around logging out
    • Option to put green/gold wool on players heads for team identification
    • Option to allow pvp in build time - may be buggy
    • Config file now auto updates with new options (hopefully)
    • Other bugfixes, I forget exactly what
    Version 0.87

    • Fixed saved inventory being overwritten with a blank one when teleporting from the home world
    • Fixed setting no items to spawn in the team chest causing an error
    Version 0.86 - quite a hefty one

    • Added the /bedrockwall command, this makes a bedrock wall from water level to sky with it's corners at the two places you select with your iron bar (left click and right click) The base is smooth stone, the record can't be placed below or on the same level as that smooth stone. Another bedrock wall splits it into two 'rooms', this dividing wall is turned to glass at the end of the build time to allow people to get to each other's walls. Please note that when selecting the corners you don't have to dig up or down to get the walls to the right height as it is a fixed height.
    • Added the /resetbedrockwall command, this resets the bedrock wall area you have previously selected, use this after a server restart, to repair the area after a game or after regenerating the surroundings.
    • Added the /setjukebox command, this sets a jukebox as the single shared jukebox that both teams must use to win the game
    • Added the /ctrhelp command, this lists the commands in this plugin along with a description of what each command does
    • Added the autosort team config option, when set to true, it automatically sorts players into teams when they login and teleports them to their spawn, providing the gameworld is set.
    • Added the wall protection config option, when set to true, this allows the bedrock walls set with /bedrockwall to be used as extensions of the team's spawn areas, the plugin will try to work out which side of the dividing wall belongs to which team.
    • Added the creepers on config option, when set to true creepers will spawn as normal.
    • Added the single jukebox config option, when set to true you can only win through the use of a single shared jukebox which is set with /setjukebox
    • The game world is now automatically reloaded over server restarts
    • The team's spawn locations, the shared jukebox location and the last selected bedrock wall area are saved over server restarts
    • Due to the movement events being broken by the latest bukkit version, movement restriction now teleports you back to your team's spawn rather than stopping you moving
    • You can no longer leave your spawn area while holding your team's record
    • You can no longer drop your team's record
    • You can now place chests outside your spawn area, but cannot use them while holding a record. This allows you to do things like create weapon caches away from your base
    • You can't use a nether portal in the game world while holding a record
    • When leaving the nether, having travelled there from the game world, you will be taken back to the portal you entered by, not the home world.
    • You can take and leave with items to and from the nether and game worlds.
    • Teleporting to the game world from the nether won't clear your inventory, if you entered the nether via the game world
    • Teleporting to other worlds from the nether, having entered through the game world, will correctly restore your original inventory
    • Teleporting to the game world from other worlds will now correctly save and clear your inventory
    • Respawning no longer has a delay
    • Made as compatible as possible with 1.7.2, warning may still be some bugs, try to report them where possible :)
    Version 0.84

    • Added world backup and recovery
    • Fixed inventory saving glitches
    • Added a config file, with a few options (thanks to xtre for the idea of a max travel distance, warning creates a wall of bedrock, use with care!)
    • Added the /jointeam command which automatically assigns a team to you (thanks Joy)
    • Added the /teamlist command which lists team members in each team (thanks Joy)
    • Items are added to the team chest at the beginning of every new game
    • Fixed chests not being able to be opened during a CTR game, in other worlds (thanks embty)
    • Made /joingreen and /joingold require the ctr.teams.joincustom permission instead of ctr.teams.join, equivalent done with ctr.other.teams.join
    Version 0.81

    • Fixed a bug where using some commands from the console would error
    • Made /leaveteam automatically teleport you to the home world
    • Reduced debug output to the console
    Version 0.8

    • Added permissions support!
    Version 0.7

    • Fixed a bug where your inventory could be lost when teleporting out of the game world, with a teleport not included in the mod.
    • Make a team lose if their record isn't in a chest, in their spawn area by the end of the build time, or draw if neither team has.
    Version 0.6

    • Updated to take advantage of bug fixes in craftbukkit 860
    Version 0.5

    • Beta release
  2. Offline


    a feature i would like, would be the use of a compass to point in the direction of the other teams chest. not the record, just chests...or their spawn point.

    Is that possible?

    also there is a conflict with Herochat...the /leave command is overwritten by herochat

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  3. Offline


    I can add an option for the compass to point to the other team's spawn, that's very possible. Also /leave is simply a shortened version of /leaveteam which does the same thing, I will add a /leavet alternative as well
  4. Offline


    What can players build with if they cant get items to game world? do i have to fill a chest for them all the time or ?
  5. Offline


    they have to do it all from scratch. spawning anything makes the game less fun

    I have done 2 play throughs so far and had more fun preparing than playing.

    The scheming is fun. Now if only there was a way to get tnt!!!
  6. Offline


    When teleproting to team area ur inventory gets full of enemy team records and the moment u move it gets refilled again with records.
  7. Offline


    I don't think that's a glitch with this plugin, I have never had anything like this happen before, and I don't believe I ever add anything to people's inventory when in the game world, only when teleporting home
  8. Offline


    Ok the bug was gone when i reinstalled the plugin. But now when I start the game the other worlds cant open chests due to CTF game sarted.
    And when the building time expires no pvp is enabled.
  9. Offline


    Is PVP allowed on your server, cause I can't override PVP = false in server.properties, and the next release has that chest bug fixed, thanks for the info :)
  10. Offline


    Yes pvp is enabled in my default world. and could you please make it so that game world doesnt get deleted on every restart or reload.
  11. Offline


    It doesn't get deleted, it just doesn't automatically get reloaded, just use /addgw Name as long as the name is the same it works. If pvp is on then it should work fine, unless bukkit is glitching.
  12. Yeah, that works. It would be great if the items were configurable, so you can give players some tools etc.
  13. Offline


    Look at the most recent update :) the config file allows you to choose what items go in the chest at the beginning of a game and if the items are done per team member or not
    i.e. 32 iron bars, per team member = 64 iron bars for a team of 2 etc.
  14. Very nice, I like that a lot. Thanks!
  15. Offline

    Cognito guy

    So using the record does that mean playing it fully (until it ends) or just put it in? Because I think it would be fun if the other team had time to "defuse" the record :)
  16. Offline


    haha that's a great idea but slightly anoying to implement, I might at some point add that as an option
  17. Offline

    Cognito guy


    But I have a problem:

    If everyone in my server has joined and typed /telegw and I type /startgame it says an internal error accured while attemping this command and it stays at the building phase of the game... (if I type /gametime it keeps saying 5 mins, that's my configured time)
  18. Offline


    Yes, I haven't updated to support the latest bukkit build yet
  19. Offline


    Sounds awesome, any ETA on the update?
  20. Offline


    Can you get hold of the actual error from the console? I can't seem to recreate this one.

    Depending on how many errors I find I guess, but probably mon or tues, as I'm still finishing up a small rack of new features.
  21. Offline


    Waiting with great anticipation :)
  22. Offline


    i lub u.
  23. Offline


    Thanks, I think.
  24. Offline

    Cognito guy

    That's the thing: there is no error in the console. It just says it in the chat :S
  25. Offline


    Wow that's wierd, I don't know then, except to wait for the new version and see if that fixes your problems
  26. Offline


    Mirosta - you are doing an awesome job with this plugin and I can't wait to really put it to the test here soon :)
  27. Offline


    Updated! v0.86 is out with a small pile of tweaks, fixes and features

  28. Offline

    Cognito guy

    Thanks, this plugin is just AWESOME. The internal error was because in the config I had the team chest not giving anything

    team chest items: []

    like that. I really hope the defusing the record will be implanted.

    Thanks again for this great plugin :D

    Oh a problem:

    when the players have typed /jointeam and I type /startgame everybody gets teleported to their teams spawn in the gameworld and lose their inventory. But when the game ends and they type /leaveteam they do get teleported to the normalworlds spawn but they don't get their inventory back...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline

    robert puckett

    slight problem i think or my fault?
    so after installing this plug in now whenever i log in to my server and others first they get an error when connecting then they get placed in the green spawn instead of the default spawn in the main world....... it says "internal server error"
    the log is uploaded below

    Attached Files:

  30. Offline


    I have fixed that in the just released version.

    I think it's a Bukkit multiworld problem, I have encountered this error before, and I don't believe it is directly caused by the plugin but indirectly because it uses multiple worlds
  31. Offline


    Can you please make an admin permission or somthing? its annoying for me as an admin to get the msg that i cant use a command when game is on. I cant use any command other than gamestop. And please a kick command plus a list of who is in the team :'( and prolly friendly fire options?
    Thanks for plugins :)
    Edit: Players cant pvp. My server is pure pvp did not disable pvp anywhere.

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