Comments on Profile Post by jamietech

  1. Jeyge
    I'm not the dev but I do post the most in the thread. It is a common mistake though.

    As for the file format, it is almost exactly the same with the exception that you need to break the 1 file into 2. You will copy the groups: section to groups.yml and users: to users.yml. Then you need to change group: <group> to:
    - <group>
    Jun 1, 2011
  2. Jeyge
    I had a feeling that wouldn't work. You will need to space the groups: and - <group> to be at the same level as permissions:
    Jun 1, 2011
  3. jamietech
    Does not compute. :P
    I'll check the documentation when I get to my computer. Is everything still updated on TheYeti's github wiki?
    Jun 1, 2011
  4. Jeyge
    There is some conversion stuff on there. Not all of it is up to date though.
    Jun 1, 2011
  5. jamietech
    Would you be able to update so I can check what I need to do as Permissions plugin is a VERY important part of any server. :)
    Jun 1, 2011
  6. Jeyge
    The conversion part shouldn't be a problem. If you run into any problems, just open a conversation with me and I'll walk you thru it but the only change is that group to groups in the users.yml file.
    Jun 1, 2011
  7. jamietech
    So what are the files getting renamed to? Do they go in seperate folders now, ex: server/plugins/Permissions/world/groups.yml & users.yml
    Jun 1, 2011
  8. Jeyge
    Yep, it should prevent the BLOCK_BREAK/BLOCK_PLACE errors that really caused a lot of problems before.
    Jun 1, 2011
  9. Jeyge
    When you post your error in the iConomy post, be the first one there to actually answer the questions asked and post your full server.log. I would love to have your post be the first that the dev actually responds to because you gave them everything they asked for. I just get a kick at everyone else deciding what the dev means by their questions.
    Jun 1, 2011
  10. jamietech
    What? I will have the server log on there when I have access to the computer that I'm running the temp server on and will have a startup log (which has BigBrother errors too) and setup files too. haha, I just reread that and worked out what you mean. That will all be up shortly.
    Jun 1, 2011
  11. jamietech
    Hey there again. I was wondering if I would be able to email you in regards to help with the promotion/demotion tracks in-game so I don't have to restart the server everytime I update Permissions (due to iChat not hooking back in or something... I don't know). Haha, thanks in advance :P
    Jun 7, 2011
  12. Jeyge
    Feel free to pm me on here but promotion/demotion isn't working right now.
    Jun 7, 2011
  13. jamietech
    Oh ok, I thought that it was listed on the information page as a working feature, but anywho, if you do help me get it set up when the feature begins working again it will work?
    Jun 7, 2011
  14. Jeyge
    Jun 7, 2011