a (hopefuly) easy plugin request. key tracking.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by adistic_angel, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    i would like a mod that could get a list from a configuration file of keys to track.
    any keys in that list that are pressed while not in chat would be reported back to the server console.
    this could be helpful in that if you say put the letter X in the config file (default for x-ray) and you use a poof or disapear plugin to follow a player pressing X a lot you could expose an x-rayer, ect ect.

    so in steps,
    1)put keys in config
    2)start server
    3)player presses key from config file
    4)console output of "X Key was pressed by %username%
  2. Offline


    I don't think this is possible; client keys pressed are not sent to the server.
  3. Offline


    I was just writing my post when I saw this.
    You beat me, Ne0nx3r0 ... Congratulations. :p
  4. Offline


    that should be added to the list of things a plugin can't do then.
  5. Offline


    Oh new idea! A plugin that makes me tea! What that isn't possible? Why isn't on the list of things that plugins can't do!
    gorbb likes this.
  6. Offline


    It's impressive how many requests are coming in to block modded clients... Unfortunately you can really only block the features of those clients with plugins, not the clients themselves.
  7. Offline


    Nicely phrased.

    I agree; recently, I've seen a ton of requests regarding hacked clients... More specifically, Nodus.

    I would highly recommend NoCheat+ or AntiCheat to counter the effects. I know that NoCheat+ is even tested with Nodus client (I don't know about AntiCheat... It might be :) ).

    Anyways, unless the developer (Scetch) inserts some code into the client that allows servers to detect it (like Zombe), then there will be no way for a plugin to completely block the client.
  8. Offline


    It is :)
  9. Offline


    This is impossible... When a key is pressed, it goes to Minecraft Client, not the server... All the server does is move you. Your client tells Console to move you.
    This post may not be accurate, I have never worked with "walk logging"
  10. Offline


    Woah. I can actually do this. We need a pre-setup coffee maker with a RS232 connection to the server.
    Edit: and a 5Volt relay.
  11. Offline


    In fact I want to charge my iPhone via a redstone circuit...
  12. Offline


    Thats actually possible, but its a pain in the ass..

    Redstone current into block 'x' sends info to a mysql database, program on your end picks it up, and activates a usb line running to your iphone = win
  13. Offline


    /me is astonished
    np98765 and -_Husky_- like this.
  14. Offline


    This is getting off-topic.. Funnily off-topic, but off-topic nonetheless...

    adistic_angel To summarize all of the above posts: Your request is impossible, but tea-making plugins and iPhone redstone chargers are not. :p

    TnT Would'jyoo like to lock? :)
  15. Offline


    I might actually have to make that iPhone charging plugin... Anyone wanna give me a hand?
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