[ADMN] RespawnFood v1.1 - Get Items & Messages on Respawn [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Adamadz, Sep 19, 2011.

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    Get Configurable Messages and Items on Respawn!
    Download - RespawnFood.jar v1.2
    Download - RespawnFood.zip v1.2 (stays on page)
    (Notice - Works with all newer Builds)
    This is my Plugin RespawnFood it lets you have configurable messages and items to players on Re spawn. Don't worry about the name Food it can be used with anything with any amount.

    At the moment it has 2 Configurable Re spawn items and messages which you can change about in the Config, produced when the Plugin runs for it's first time. Each one of these has there own permissions which will be shown below. I can easily add more if a person needed :)
    Don't have PermissionsBukkit? (open)

    If you dont have BukkitPermissions or you want the re spawn items to go to the Op. Go into the Plugin.yml and change the Default setting in the part Permissions to op from false.
    Here is a example: (find Plugin.yml inside the Plugin)
    description: Allows you to have the Respawn1 items
    default: false - change the 'false' to 'op'


    Here are the Permissions - This Plugin uses PermissionsBukkit (I may add more permissions support)
    respawnfood.respawn1 - Lets you have the Respawn Items 1
    respawnfood.respawn2 - Lets you have the Respawn Items 2
    respawnfood.respawninfo - Lets you use the command /rfhelp
    respawnfood.respawncmd - Lets you use the respawn1.. respawn2 commands.
    Add more Configurable Respawn Item choices.
    Add commands to recieve the Respawn Items. Done
    Maybe add more Permissions support.
    Might change name to RespawnItem.
    Open to anyones ideas :)

    Change Log:
    RespawnFood v1.2 - You can now turn of rewards & messages in the config
    RespawnFood v1.1 - Commands, new Permissions and some over fixes
    RespawnFood v1.0 - Intial Release

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


    how to add more than 1 item ?
  3. Offline


    You cant at the moment, I will have to add it in later :)
  4. Offline



    has there been an update that works with 1.2.3-R0.2 ?

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