Inactive [ADMN/SEC/FUN/TP/RPG] NetherBan v0.6.3 - Condemn your users to an eternity of suffering! [860-1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Windwaker, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    NetherBan v0.6.3
    Condemn your users to an eternity of suffering!
    NetherBan has moved to BukkitDev! This page will no longer be maintained!

    Basically NetherBan provides an alternative to straight out banning. Banning can be too harsh sometimes and kicking just isn't effective. So I created NetherBan! NetherBan allows you to ban your players and prevents them from escaping. While banished, players can't use portals and have restrictions based upon what you do in the NetherBan.prop file! NetherBan is flexible, it allows for many configuration options and include (but not limited to) mute on ban or can't build and dying will not spawn them in the normal world while banished.​
    • Ban players to the Nether!
    • Kick players to the Nether!
    • Whitelist for your loved ones!
    • Configurable!
    • Blacklist items!
    • Permissions support! (but not required)
    • Lightning strikes on banish (configurable)
    How to get Help:
    Visit NetherBan's BukkitDev page and create a ticket to get help! I cannot ensure you will get help if you post on this page. This is the best and fastest way to get help.

    Version 0.6.3
    • Bugfix - Made NetherBan usable again!
    Version 0.5.2 - 0.6.2
    • Thanks to @DreadKyller to maintaining the plugin while I was gone :)
    Older Versions (open)
    Version 0.5.1
    • Bugfix - Fixed stupid bug where plugin had to be reloaded again after loading it (Thanks @tips48 )
    Version 0.5
    • Bugfix - Players can now be banished while offline
    • Bugfix - Checks on player login to see if a player is banned and makes sure they are in the Nether
    • Bugfix - Players can now be unbanished while offline
    • Feature - Added "Banish-on-Death" option in the NetherBan.prop
    • Feature - Added "Kick-on-Death" option in the NetherBan.prop
    • Added "Entities-Target-Banished" option in the NetherBan.prop
    Version 0.4.1
    • Bugfix - Made fallback for error when you don't configure the plugin correctly.
    Version 0.4

    • Bugfix - Whitelist command is back
    • Bugfix - Improved consistency
    • Feature - Lightning on banish (configurable)
    • Restructured code
    Version 0.3.1

    • Bugfix - Removed players can be banished while offline
    • Bugfix - Removed players can be whitelist while offline
    • Bugfix - Removed whitelist command
    Version 0.3

    • Feature - Added version command (/nbversion)
    • Feature - Added help menu (/nbhelp)
    • Bugfix - Players can now be banished while offline
    • Bugfix - Players can now be whitelisted while offline
    • Bugfix - Fixed adding yourself whitelist bans you
    Version 0.2

    • Bugfix - Fixed the plugin not liking when you banned people who where in the Nether already.
    • Feature - Added whitelist.
    • Bugfix - Chat errors
    • Feature - Added whitelist command (/nbwl || /nbwhitelist)
    • Feature - Added alias for /nbban (/netherban)
    • Bugfix - Fixed Permissions completely!
    Version 0.1.1

    • Bugfix - Added "Banished-Cant-Use-Commands" option in the NetherBan.prop file
    • Bugfix - Minor chat bug
    Version 0.1

    • Initial release!
    Known Bugs:
    • None, please report any :)
    • Always opened to suggestions (Doesn't mean I'll always take them though ;))
    • Clear and save inventories on ban, restore on unban
    • Private Chat Channels for the damned
    Permissions and Commands:
    Show Spoiler
    netherban.nbban - Allow /nbban <player>
    netherban.nbkick - Allow /nbkick <player>
    netherban.nbunban - Allow /nbunban <player>
    netherban.whitelist - Allow /nbwl <player> || /nbwhitelist <player>
    /netherban <player> | Ban a player to the Nether!
    /nbunban <player> | Unban a player from the Nether!
    /nbwhitelist <player> | Whitelists a player and makes them safe from banishment!
    /nbhelp | Displays help menu
    /nbversion | Displays NetherBan version you have.

    Config File:
    Show Spoiler

    #NetherBan Config​
    #Sat Jun 25 12:45:38 EDT 2011​
  2. Offline


    @tips48 that would actually be great, because in a few weeks myself I'll only be here part time.
  3. Offline


    I will pm you soon with any help I need, right now I am reviewing the code to find out what to do, the bug I'm trying to fix right now is one that was said recently, that for some people the banished.txt clears itself.
  4. Offline


    when i ban a player to the nether in my spawn, which is made out of wool, my spawn starts to burn, i'm guessing because of the fire in the nether. Please fix.
  5. Offline


    @Tspinner I suggest downloading either a fire prevention plugin. Or try this, make a platform or some other material than netherrack and then build the spawn on that, then fire will hopefully not spawn near it. but that is not a feature I see coming at all or for a long time, because there are several other plugins that already do that.
  6. Offline


    File file = new File("plugins/NetherBan/banished.txt");
    Why new file? This overriding the exist banished.txt or?
  7. Offline


    @wassilij no that will not override the file, in order to bring the file in we need to make a new instance of it. the only time the file would be actually created is if we used mkdirs() or createNewFile(). what's happening at that line is we are making a new instance of the class "File" specifying the path of the file we want it to represent.

    Ok, the first update is complete, unfortunately as seeing I only have 5 minutes I really can't post it right now, but It will be posted tomorrow. I'll post a link the the post on this thread.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
    wassilij likes this.
  8. Offline


    I think it would be better if you posted a new plugin submission so you can actively update the post. I will flag this post and put an [INACTIVE] tag on it so you can take it over. You can take whatever you like from the OP
  9. Offline


    @Walker Crouse that's what I meant, I'll make a new thread and post a link to it here
  10. Offline


    Oh okay :)
  11. Offline


    INACTIVE TAG Should be removed?
  12. Offline


    No. This plugin is being transferred to @DreadKyller in my absence. Hence the Inactive because he is going to post a submission for NetherBan so he can have control over the post.
  13. Offline


    Yea INACTIVE? Yet its got the build 935?
  14. Offline


    Because I am no longer maintaining it. DreadKyller is. So it is INACTIVE
  15. Offline


    And now? I need this plugin so badly :(
  16. Offline


    @wassilij you can still download this version, it still works, I will post the newest version in a few minutes.
  17. Offline


    I know that the current version is working, but the banished.txt will be always overwritten on each ban, will that be fixxes in the new version? :)
  18. Offline


    I belive it's fixed, I could not reproduce the bug however so I could not really test it, but there is physically nothing in the coding that would delete the file or clear it, and it does save, so there must be something going on. you are the only one to report this problem, no one else seems to have experienced it. Making it extremely hard to fix.

  19. Offline


    I'm back :)
    wassilij likes this.
  20. Offline

    TehTomaz I steal plugins as my own

    Awesome Plugin :)
  21. Offline


    Can't get it it work correctly, "[NetherBan] Error: Your NetherBan.prop is not configured properly!".
  22. Offline


    Did you configure the NetherBan.prop file? It is in plugins/NetherBan/NetherBan.prop
  23. Offline


    is it possible to make a temporary netherban command? Maybe along the lines of, oh, i dont know... "/nbantempban <player> [time] and in the config you can set a default time? would be a nice little add-on. so far i am loving this plug-in.
  24. Offline


    Aww, this plugin is awesome! There's only one problem, if they have lots of supplies in their inventories, then they could set up a base in the nether and survive. That might be a problem. If they are banned for stealing diamonds, they could attack and kill the people trying to legitimately enter the nether.
  25. Offline


    You can make it so people can't build in the Nether and they can't attack people.
  26. Offline



    Also, if I do use the command it will partially work. The player will be banned from placing/breaking blocks and killing. They are not sent to the Nethers though.
  27. Offline


    You have to set 'Normal-World-Name=world' to whatever your world name is and Nether-World-Name=world_nether' to whatever your Nether is.
  28. Offline


    Thank you!

    I never noticed the, "Nether-World-Name="

    By the way, great plug in!
  29. Offline


    Thank you :)
  30. Offline


    I'd like to use this, but I'd really appreciate a secondary command in the form of /banish with the same function as /netherban. I really like the concept of actually "banish"-ing people using that specific command. It's really catchy and would be a neat feature.

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