Betting / Wager System

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by p.ndsl, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Had an idea regarding betting / wager system that can be used for PVP arenas, CTF arenas, Spleef arenas or more.

    Feel free to use the idea, hopefully someone can make a plugin from this mess, it would add a lot more fun to arenas or game nights.

    - the ability for someone with permission to create a bet/wager
    - ie. /wager new [id] [min bet] [contestant1] [contestant2] [contestant3] [...]​
    - the ability for people to place a bet/wager
    - ie. /wager list (to show current active bets/wagers)​
    - ie. /wager info [id] (shows the current rate of return on the winning on each contestant, if placed $1: on contestant 1 and he wins; on contestant 2 and he wins; on contestant 3 and he wins, and so on...)​
    - ie. /wager bet [id] [amount]​

    - server configuration that requires a fee to create and/or takes a percentage from the pool
    - ie. $500 to create a bet -or- 5 times the minimum bet -or- 10% of the total bets goes to system/void​
    - server configuration that allows the person who created the bet/wager to take a profit
    - ie. 10% of the total bets (minus the system fee) becomes the profit of the creator​
    - server configuration that set a duration on the wage/bet before penalty is active
    - ie. 1 day from the time a bet/wager is created​
    - server configuration that set a penalty if creator fails to finish the bet/wage
    - ie. 3 times the supposed creator profit becomes the penalty (system fee non-refundable), and all bets are returned to the people who placed bets​

    - the bet is finished when creator enters in winner
    - ie. /wager win [id] [contestant1]​
    - the winning is done by calculating: ( the total bets - system fee - creator profit ) divided by everyone who placed the bet on the winner

    Server Admin:
    - betting/wager log that's stored on server with date-time stamp
    - a function for server admin to force a correction if the creator made a mistake (purposely or accidentally), undo the original winning and calculate the correct -or- new winnings
    - ie. /wageradmin win [id+timestamp] [contestant2]​
    - new winnings can be done by ( the total bets - system fee + creator penalty ) divided by everyone who placed the bet on the correct winner
    - a function for server admin to cancel an active bet/wager
    - ie. /wageradmin cancel [id]​


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    Sir_Cow likes this.
  2. This would be great. I support this idea and hope a plugin developer could take up the challenge :).

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