Blocks hog up memory?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by asdaarg, Apr 9, 2011.

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    for(World W:S.getWorlds()){
    	AWorld w=getWorld(W);
    	for(Chunk c:W.getLoadedChunks()){
    		for(int x=0;x<16;x++)
     			for(int y=0;y<128;y++)
     				for(int z=0;z<16;z++)
    					//p+=c.getBlock(x, y, z).getTypeId();
    					p+=W.getBlockTypeIdAt(c.getX()<<4|x, y, c.getZ()<<4|z);//this one doesn't hog up memory
    Uncommenting the first p+= line and commenting the second, causes memory usage to go from 299M to 1.1G and stays there. It seems that the Blocks gotten with getBlock doesn't get removed from memory.
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    Block data is cached for performance when you make a getBlock() call, which can eat up a lot of memory if you do stuff like scanning an area for blocks. You should use World.getBlockIdAt(x, y, z) with this kind of thing.
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    That's all fine except when you want to set the block id or look at other properties of the blocks. If its really a cache, then way too many blocks are being cached IMHO.
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    I agree, it can be difficult at times. Having a way to disable caching temporarily would be useful...
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