[Bounty] Iconomy Reward for the Death Players

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Aaron Warshaw, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Aaron Warshaw

    Hey again Bukkit Community,
    pCrush here with a request to make a custom Bounty Plugin that will have the following features:

    Bounty 1.o

    -Randomly select a single player
    -Notify the server that a player has a bounty, and a reward
    -Notify the server of the time the bouny will be active
    -Pay the player to get the killing blow on said Bounty'ed player Iconomy currency
    -Or pay the player who survived the Bounty Iconomy currency

    Useful Configurations:
    -Minimum amount of players online for a Bounty to be activated by plugin
    -Iconomy reward can be increased/decreased
    -Timer the bounty is active for
    -Times the bounty will select, ie, every 2 hours a player
    -Customizeable messages for the server alert, ie; "%p is a Target, for 200 Favor, with %t Left, get them!"
    -Customizeable colors as well, or just default an obnoxious color, so players know there is a bounty
    -Bounty alert's customizeable, ie; every 5 minutes during the bounty, every 10 minutes it spams

    Thanks for reading!


    if you would like to get a little idea of how this works in practice, I use /say for my server currently and feel free to check out my server here:

  2. Offline

    Aaron Warshaw

    there is a bounty plugin...anybody like this idea instead? minor tweeks to the current bounty could make it a solid plugin

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