Bukkit:me Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by trentman678, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Well on my server people can type /bukkit:me and then spam the server with the messages and i dont know how to stop it anyone know how to fix?
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    What permissions plugin do you use?
  3. You can mute them. :)
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    If you're using a permissions plugin, use negative permissions ("- -bukkit.command.me "). That'll stop player's in the groups you want from using the command /bukkit:me.

    Negative permissions might work differently on different permissions plugin, I haven't looked into that.
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    That does not work...the /bukkit:me command bypasses all mutes and advertising prevention plugins.

    Besides that is not a permanent solution.

    This will work ;) You could also make an Alias of the command with SimpleAlias or the bukkit.yml file(I believe this is where you create aliases)that just links to the /me command. Then if someone does it...it will do the proper format...or deny permission!

    Be aware that you can do other things as well...I think most chat functions have the /bukkit: enabled on them. The one that comes to my mind is /bukkit:msg which is all white format of the whisper function.
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