Can someone test my plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zankz, Nov 15, 2014.

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    I am making a death stare plugin that when an OP types /stare <player> that player dies and a message is displayed in chat. Get it at <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Just place the jar in your plugins folder and test it out!

    To give feed back you can leave a reply on this thread!
    Enjoy! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
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    [quote uid=91002335 name="Zankz" post=2890515]I am making a death stare plugin that when an OP types /stare <player> that player dies and a message is displayed in chat. Get it at <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Just place the jar in your plugins folder and test it out!

    To give feed back you can leave a reply on this thread!
    Enjoy! :)

    Several things:
    I didn't test it.
    You should test it yourself. It's easy to setup a basic test server.
    I don't know about other people, but I wouldn't just randomly run a program I just downloaded. It's easy to bind some malicious code to a Bukkit plugin.

    Anyways, I decompiled it and noticed the loop to get a player.
    Bukkit already has a method called Bukkit.getPlayer(String playerName) where it auto-completes if you give the method the start of a player's name.
    Other than that, it "should" work. Don't quote me on that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
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    thanks for the feedback i did test it on a server and it worked i was just making sure that it would work on other peoples servers.
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    1. public void onEnable()
    2. {
    3. getLogger().info("Death Stare works!");
    4. }
    6. public void onDisable()
    7. {
    8. getLogger().info("Death Stare broke!");
    9. }
    You don't need to write startup messages. Bukkit already does this. Good job on using the appropriate logger, though.

    1. if ((cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stare")) && ((sender instanceof Player)))
    This could be changed to:
    1. if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stare") && sender instanceof Player)
    No need for all those parenthesis.

    1. if (player.isOp())
    Nothing actually wrong with this line, but it negates permissions, which you may want to have. I'd do something like:
    1. if(player.isOP() || player.hasPermission("stare"))

    1. int length = args.length;
    2. if (length == 1) {
    Three things here. First, you probably don't need to create a length variable. You only need to have one check against it. Secondly, you should probably have a fail message if that length isn't long enough. Thirdly, your use of brackets becomes inconsistent here, as previously they're all on a newline.
    1. if (args.length > 0) {
    2. // do stuff
    3. } else {
    4. player.sendMessage("You need to specify someone to stare down!");
    5. }
    Note, that I say greater-than 0, because if we do (== 1), we run the risk of getting a fail message if someone inputs another name (which we would rather just ignore).

    1. for (Player playertoHeal : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
    2. if (playertoHeal.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))
    Rather than manually looping through the online characters, we can utilize a loop already within Bukkit.
    1. Player playerToKill = getServer().getPlayerExact(args[0])

    1. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(...);
    Why use a static reference to Bukkit (a proxy for Server)?
    1. getServer().broadcastMessage(...)

    Pretty good for a first plugin, though. How I would have written it would be a bit different. Remember, "A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. (Doug Linder)".
    _Filip, Gamecube762 and mine-care like this.
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