Cannot connect to server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RockMiner100, Mar 6, 2013.

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    My server starts up fine with no errors and I have port forwarded and I checked if the iP addresses and the ports are matching and correct and nothing is wrong....
    But no one cannot connect to the server, including me.
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  3. Offline


    Um, what do I do with my firewall... o_o
  4. Offline


    you need to open ports in your firewall just like you did in your router.

    I would start with turning your Firewall off just for a moment to troubleshoot, in making sure that is the problem.

    Once your turn off your Firewall try to connect to your server from your ex.ip

    If you can connect at that point it is safe to say that is the problem.

    Turn your firewall back on.

    Follow this link about ports & firewall.

    NOTE: That i did say try with your firewall off first..This is just so you do not need to do all the port steps above for no reason & to make sure once you open the port in your firewall that you did it right.However you can always skip the above the link chat and dive into the link above.

    Edit: Thought i would ask have you even tried to connect using your local network IP?
    this would be the ip that your router gave your computer. (i.e) 192.etc.etc
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