[Chat]EasyChatColor MC 1.2.5 RO.1

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by silyputy, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    lets you change the color of the ingame chat :)!! i looked for weeks and weeks to find a plugin that would let you change the color of the chat in game not just the prefix but i didn't want to get anything that would change a lot more. so this plugin is easy to use and easy to install!!

    Dev Bukkit Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/easychatcolor/

    <font color="black">Usage!! / Permissions!!!</font>

    * Simply add the permission note to change there color that's all you have to do!!! this is all your options!!
    * chatcolor.1
    * chatcolor.2
    * chatcolor.3
    * chatcolor.4
    * chatcolor.5
    * chatcolor.6
    * chatcolor.7
    * chatcolor.8
    * chatcolor.9
    * chatcolor.0
    * chatcolor.a
    * chatcolor.b
    * chatcolor.c
    * chatcolor.d
    * chatcolor.e
    * chatcolor.f (white and it is the default)

    * Cool ones:
    * colorchat.magic (what it does ill let you find out :D )

    * If your confused then plz go down to Other Info!!

    <font color="black">Other Info</font>

    * the Permission notes like "chatcolor.1" correspond to the color they will have in game so the .1 is like doing "&1" in game and then "chatcolor.2" is the same color as doing "&2' in game.
    * Be careful with Permissions the color does roll over if you have inheritance set for your classes ex you have a Citizen class then you have Trusted and you have it so Trusted Inherits all the permissions from Citizen then they will have the same color!! remove to eather remove it then add a different one or don't use inheritance!! if you have any questions about that mail me here!
    * This plugin IS Compatible with essentials chat and permissionsEx and a lot of other plugins if you find anything it doesn't work with please let me know!
    * also if you want to give a specific player color chat add the permissions note to them and it should bypass the group thing as it looks there first :)
    * how i have it coded it starts with the color &1 then goes to &2 and then to &3 so if you give someone the note to have the color for &11 and then you change your mind and you want them to have the color for &3 and u dont remove the permission it WILL use the lowest number as for the a,b,c,d thats after all the numbers just so u know so if its stuck on a color then make sure the group and or person only has one note!!!

    <font color="black">Things To Add</font>

    * going to be making so that any op's or anyone with the permissions note '*' will have the &4 chat so dark red this will ONLY happen if they dont have any other things set it will be at the end of the code meaning its the last thing the plugin will do besides the default!!

    - <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    <font color="black">Instillation!</font>

    * its simple just drag and drop the EasyChatColor.jar file into your "Plugins" folder in your server and then eather reload of restart your server!

    <font color="black">Commands</font>

    * None!!!!

    first plugin on this site if im forgetting something plz let me know

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  2. Offline


    I put the "chatcolor.4" as my permission, but the chat color did not change.
  3. Offline


    ok give me the list of plugins that you have the change chat?
  4. Offline


    What permissions system does it support? Are you releasing the source?
  5. Offline


    First PermissionsEx i know it works with as im using it on my server... as for anything els i havent tested it with them yet :(
    Second source code i dont think i will.... but it depends why do you want it?
  6. Offline


    About the source code, I want to take a look at it. Very interesting concept, a permissions based chat color system..
  7. Offline


    oh lol i had alot of help but i get it now i meat someone who has made pluins here he helped me A TON! on this one and the other one i did i always make mistakes but the code is always changing as im trying to make it work with what i do on my server still a couple bugs i need to work out... add me on skype we can chat name is silyputy
  8. Offline


    Okay.. Have you integrated permission support for bPermissions? If you have, I'll test it for you
  9. Offline


    no i havent i have no idea how lol -.-

    you said its msg + chatcolor    but it isent idk how u compiled it but
    it is actualy msg += ChatColor.  
    there different :) and ya i was tired lol
    but also i was told by someone who is in school learning java to do that :)
    and to awnser the "what would you color after there message" if u want proof come on my server
    ill edit your color it does work lol

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  10. Offline


    Please can you read the submission guidelines and format your post appropriately.

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