Color Wars - Chat Color PVP System (Simple!)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by treepunch, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hello all,

    I have a request for a fun colored chat name plugin for my hardcore pvp server. I have given out all 15 possible colors (excluding white) to people on my server using the ColorMe plugin and the rest have white names. I would like to see a plugin where if a person with a white name kills someone with a colored name they get that color!

    Also, if someone with a colored name kills another colored player, they both keep their colors.

    Please PM me if you need more details or reply in this thread if you think it is possible! Thanks.
  2. Offline


    Hello, this may/may not do the trick. It has it's own color system as well using the bukkit ColorChat.
    More info found on GitHub

    I know it doesn't work yet, just have to get the bugs out of it. But, if you can read code, it's a proof of concept.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  3. Offline


    easily possible, but I'm already working on 3 requests, so I can't make this right now, but it is defiantly possible to get the color of the player name and put it on the attacking player.
  4. Offline


    Done, sort of. Check out the above git hub link for it. Adding it to the plugin submissions now.
    It isn't compatable with any other chat plugins it seems though, or at least iChat and things that work like iChat.
  5. Offline


    @DCSiira : that's because the actual PLAYER names are different than the PlayerChat names, make a listener on PlayerChatEvent on priority Highest as to overwrite any other color plugin and instead of the player message, use the server.broadcast message:
    this.plugin.getServer().broadcastMessage(ChatColor.valueOf(playercolor)+player.getDisplayName()+" : "+event.getMessage());
    then you have it working with other chat plugins, basically, it will override them so the color your character is on shows as the message color.
  6. Offline


    Yes i know that. see i'm trying to make them work WITH other chat plugins, not override them.
    I like the iChat format set for my server but it won't work with my plugin unless i can either get @Drakia togive me some kind of hook, or he lets me use his code for my plugin.

    I tested it on my server with the plugin priority set to high just so i could test it. unless i am misunderstanding what you say.

    I have it working with essentials /nick right now actually so there is a way to make it work. I'll have to look into this more. I just started making plugins last night so kinda not a lot of features are on them, just the basics to see if people are interested in them.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  7. Offline


    ok, to make it work WITH other plugins make the priority Low, that way other color plugins will override it.
  8. Offline


    That's the thing. I more want them both to work together, and since their plugins don't check for my color, i have to check for their formatting. somehow.
  9. Offline


    ok, here is a thing, if the name is already colored from a different plugin, you could leave the name the other plugin's color, and then make only the message the players color on your plugin. or check for their color and do the same thing in reverse

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