Conflicting Commands with McMMO and mChat

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Yourdogsdead, Jul 15, 2012.

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    My server is running McMyAdmin on a VPS running CentOS. My problem is that mChat is conflicting with McMMOs party chat system. When trying to run the command /invite to invite someone to McMMOs party system, it comes up with an error saying to use /pmchatinvite from mChat. I looked through the configuration file for mChat, and didn't see anything that would allow me to disable it. I am also unfamiliar with modifying the plugins .class files myself, but if needed I could do that. Any help is much appreciated.
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    I used to run into this issue with mChat; it eventually led to me dropping the plugin altogether. You can work around the issue by removing any conflicting alias from the plugin. No need to edit any .class files, just need to open your mChat.jar file in your favorite archive manager, then open the plugin.yml file and remove any alias you feel may conflict with another plugin.
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    So, it would be this line from the file.

            usage: |
                /<command> {player} - Sends a private Convo invitation to player.
            aliases: [pmchati, pminvite, pmi, pinvite]
    and that would stop it from intercepting the /invite command?
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    Correct, although the only line that you would edit out of what you pasted would be the line that begins with 'aliases'. Just remove any conflicting aliases, leaving the ones that do not conflict.
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    There is no /invite alias for mChat though. I don't know why it's intercepting that command, telling me it's wrong, and then giving me the correct command.
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    Strange, any other instances of the word 'invite' anywhere else in the plugin.yml file? And I know mChat.jar changed names at some point, so you could have downloaded multiple copies of the plugin, rather than overwriting the old one. Make sure there's only ONE mChat plugin installed.
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    Yeah, it changed names to mChatSuite. As far as I can tell, there isn't.

    Here are the yml files for McMMO and mChat:


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