CostumEntity - movelistener

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Shmobi, Sep 19, 2014.

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  1. Hello,
    i made a costumentityclass and gave it a private arraylist of movelistener, an interface i made. the name says what it shall do. listen to every time the mob is moving, so can somebody tell me how the movemethod in an entityclass is called? i just need the listener for this entity. i want to overwrite it. i will call every listener in my listenerarraylist and then call the default movemethod of the superclass.
    thanks for answers
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    Create your own event called EntityMoveEvent with the constructor EntityMoveEvent(LivingEntity ent, Location from, Location to){}
    Then run a repeating task of 1 tick looping through all the worlds' entities storing their old location in a HashMap. If a change happens, call the event.
  3. FabeGabeMC this would be a possible way, but would may be laagy and like i said, i just want to have my listener for this class. all others aren't interesting for me. i just need to know how the method which moves the livingentity is called to overwrite it. then i can call it from the superclass and call my listener
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