Cuboid plugin with worldguard support

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by black_ixx, May 5, 2012.

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  1. Hi

    Is there any cuboid plugin, which allows you only to fill in your worldguard regions?
    So the plugin should have features like that:
    *Maximum amount of blocks a player can fill (different maximum for each group)
    *Players can only use the cuboid command in their regions
    *Players cant use the cuboid command with specific blocks like lava
  2. Still searching....
  3. Offline


    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  4. I searched a cuboid plugin, and question: Are the players allowed to use Worldedit outside of a plot?
  5. Offline


    I'm sure ops and people with the pemission to bypass protections can
    But not normal players
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    black_ixx there is something in worldguard called parent child system
    in short of it you create 1 big region (for example your town) and than you create small regions inside that town (for example plots for your users)
    and with parent and child system you can allow users to build in their plots but not outside it in your town

    also if you dont want to make that parent child system you just skip the part about parenting

    world guard + world edit from start to end

    have 1 empty slot in action slot

    now type
    so selecting tool will appear

    select with left and right click area/cuboid
    there is no difference which will be 1st left or right click

    //expand vert
    to stretch/rise size of selection from bedrock to sky (you dont need to do it if you protect deep and high enough)

    /region define NAME
    /region define plot
    and puff area is protected no 1 except ops and users with
    - worldguard.*
    will be able to build there

    /region addmember NICK
    /region addowner NICK
    /region removemember NICK
    to add or remove someone to build in that region or to set owner

    now parent children system

    you now know how to make plots so you make 2 plots

    1 called hmm lets say zeroplot < a small plot for me where i can build in your server
    you need to
    /region addmember ZeroX4
    so i can build there

    now you make big plot called town < for example can be called anything else and it need to cover zeroplot so zeroplot is insinde twon plot

    now after you created it i wont be able to build in town plot area as well as in zeroplot cause you need to set parent and child

    /region setparent CHILD PARENT
    /region setparent zeroplot town

    now i can build in zeroplot but i cant build outside of it in town plot
  7. I already have WorldGuard and WorldEdit and I know how to define regions. Im just searching for a plugin, which allows you to fill areas (like in WorldEdit) but the players cant use the plugin outside of their regions. I want to use it like this: VIPs can use the cuboid plugin to fill 1-500 Blocks but only in their own regions.
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