Solved Disallow Admins to build

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xxXXBjornXxxx, Oct 24, 2014.

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    I've Admin ranks on my server and they can build, but I don't them to. I'm using Groupmanager, how can I fix this?
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    You need to setup permissions. Look for the config file in groupmanager and you should be able to work from there. xxXXBjornXxxx
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    What permission must I add than?
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    In your Groups.yml, find the Admin rank and then look under the subsection that says info. There should be a line that says build: true. Change it to false. If that doesn't fix it for you, then you may also want to negate the build permission directly by adding - to the permissions section. That second line on the front of the node is the one that negates/disallows the permission.
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