Divergent Aptitute test plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by chopchop1614, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: RolePlay and fun.

    Suggested Name: Divergent Aptitute Test

    What I want: Basicly the plugin will allow you to set up for example when a mob will appear in the room or when items appear in the room and how long they will stay there. For example... I want to be able to walk into a room type a command like /teststart and then 2 items will appear on the ground. The items will be there for 6 seconds and you can only pick one up. So when you pick one up the second vanishes. Then an angry wolf apears and you can kill it or run. If you run say.... 10 blocks. (sprint not walk) then it moves you onto the next stage. This will also happen if you kill the dog. A villager will spawn and he will whisper to you: "Save me, a do you know this creeper?" You either say yes or no in the chat and it will teleport you to a finishing room where another player will meet them.

    Ideas for commands: /teststart /setspawn mob <mobname> <mobid> /timemob <mobid> <time you want to stand there before it dies.> /setspawn item <itemid example: quartz is 155> <itemid for the time> /timeitem <itemid> <time you want to be there before it vanishes.>

    Ideas for permissions divergent.starttest divergent.setspawn (this will allow both mob and item setspawns.) divergent.timemob divergent.timeitem

    When you would like it to be by: Maybe in like 1 week time.

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