Dynamic Picture in Map?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ccrama, Dec 6, 2013.

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    Hello Devs,

    Is there a reletively easy way to dynamically draw an image on a map? I am looking for something like this image I threw together:

    I know I could possibly use images for every combination of captures/locks, but I would much rather write code that would create the map for me. If anyone has any ideas or methods to do this, please comment below!

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    edit the pixels of the image to display what you want? Still manually doing everything in a way though

    in essence you're only using one(or a few) bufferedimage(s) but just changing the pixels to display what you want.

    could do the same thing with bytes as well.
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    Not2EXceL Is there a way to select many pixels at once, and not have to go through every one one at a time?
  4. Offline


    You could try use a template and a floodfill algorithm, just for those squares make a black border in the pic so that the flood fill changes the inside. For the text part, you'd want to make a method that can change pixels correlating to an input string starting at a location in the pixels.
    Yes, it'll be a lot of work to dynamically do everything. It'd be simpler just to have several images.
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