[ECON] Tickets v0.5 - Get a ticket system for your amusement park or a Lottery [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by greatman, Jul 6, 2011.

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    Tickets - Get a ticket system for your amusement park or a lottery!
    Version: v0.5

    This plugin is fairly simple. It is a ticket system for your amusement park or whatever you want that use tickets like lottery.
    You can think of a economy system but not related to money.

    • Can give/take tickets (Admin)
    • Can send tickets
    • Can buy tickets
    • Can check semeone's else ticket amount
    • Can play lottery to win a item!

    • This plugin requires Permissions 2.7+ (3.1 compatible)
    • There is support for iConomy/BOSEconomy (To be able to buy tickets) but it is not required
    The config file changed in 0.5. Please delete your config.yml. A new will be generated.

    Download here!
    Source Code

    The most latest version can always be downloaded here but they can be REALLY buggy!

    Having problem? Post in the issue manager!

    Permissions nodes (open)

    ticket.give - Ability for admin to give ticket
    ticket.take - Ability for admin to take ticket
    ticket.send - Ability to send ticket
    ticket.check - Ability to check semeone's else ticket amount.
    ticket.buy - Buy tickets with money
    ticket.lottery - Access to the lottery system

    Commands (open)

    /ticket <Name> - Check semeone's else ticket amount
    /ticket give <Name> <Amount> - Give ticket to semeone (Admin)
    /ticket take <Name> <Amount> - Take ticket from semeone (Admin)
    /ticket send <Name> <Amount> - Send ticket to semeone
    /ticket buy <Amount> - Buy tickets (No amount gives the cost)
    /ticket lottery <Number> - Win a item with ticket lottery!

    Configuration file (open)

    Database.type : Put sqlite for sqlite and mysql for MySQL
    Database.convert: if set to true, convert your SQLite database to a MySQL database.
    Ticket.cost : The cost of 1 ticket
    Lottery.chance : The maximum number semeone can choose
    Lottery.itemid : The itemid of the item to win.
    Rest are self explanary.

    • Ability to create cuboids that tickets are automaticly taken
    • Your ideas!

    Version 0.5
    • Added a lottery system!
    Version 0.4.6

    • Added BOSEconomy support
    Version 0.4.3

    • Added SQLite => MySQL convert
    Old Changelog (open)

    Version 0.4
    • Added iConomy support
    Version 0.3.5

    • Added MySQL support.
    Version 0.3

    • Can now check semeone's else ticket
    • Fix: Readded text in /ticket take
    Version 0.2

    • Public release
    • Ability to send tickets
    Version 0.1

    • Internal release of the plugin (Only on my server)


    Show Spoiler

    • sk89q - Use of his player name finder
    • Tagette - His wonderful template
    • Alta189 - His SQL plugin

    Any comments/remarks are welcome! This is my actual first java project :p
  2. Offline


    bookmarked for future download, will be on my server @
  3. Offline


    New version on his way! New features are:

    • Business support. Have multiple ticket accounts! (60% Missing Adding/Removing a business)
    • Some business can be only for lottery! Each will be able to set his own chance rate and winning item (0%)
    • Possibility to block certain winning items for admin in the config file. (0%)
    • Huge code overhaul for better maintenance
    You can download that current version <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> You need this <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> database file[/URL] to work as the layout changed a lot and there is currently no way to make a upgrade. Beware tho, /ticket pay/lottery/buy is not enabled. Also, MySQL is not working.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2017
  4. Offline


    Last version coming very soon! Just having problem with CommandException handling and everything is good to go!
  5. Offline


    You should add a feature, so that one can create a gate/door, and when someone tries to get trough it, it will take an given amount of tickets, or deny access if the player does not have enough tickets(or maybe, gives the player a buy option). That would be very useful for, as you say, amusement parks, or in my case, access to my minecart system :)

    Edit: Just saw it at your todo list xD
    Sebi2231 likes this.
  6. Offline


    can you make it so you can toggle the lotter/ticket system on and off? in case we use a different lotter plugin like i do
  7. Offline


    pouvez vous enlevez les bouton pour avoir les commande, car je les vois pas! ^^

    ps: you are speak and read french :p

  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    download link is broken.
  10. Offline


    yeah download link is brocken
  11. Offline


    Mod action: Moved to unsupported as per OP request.

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