Inactive [EDIT / FUN] Weathering 0.3 [1.2.4-R1.0 / CB2126]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bootscreen, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Version: 0.3​
    tested Bukkitversion: 2126​
    Download: BukkitDEV / Plugin / GitHUB
    This Plugin trys to simulate the weathering effekt of Cobblestone and Stonebricks.
    It looks in a given range if there is a Cobblestone or a Stonebrick.
    If it finds a Cobblestone it change it with a x% chance in Mossycobblestone and the i looks in radius of 1 whether there is an other Cobblestone and change it with an other x% chance.
    If it finds a Stonebrick it change it also with a given x% chance to Mossy or Bricked Stonebricks. in the config you can set the percent of mossy the rest to 100 will used by bricked (e.g. when you set Stonebricks.mossy_Chance to 30 the Mossy Stonebrick has a chance of 30% and the bricked Stonebrick has a chance of 70%). after this it look for other clean Stonebricks and will change it with a given x% chance ( mossy and bricked has its own chance)

      /wtg - shows the Version and the Usage
      /weathering - shows the Version and the Usage
      /wtg <radius> - starts the weathering in the given radius
      /weathering <radius> - starts the weathering in the given radius

      weathering - allows the use of the weathering command
    Permissiones tested with internal Permissionplugin and PermissionsEX 1.18.

      nearby_Chance: 30
      Chance: 40
      nearby_mossyChance: 30
      mossy_Chance: 50
      Chance: 30
      nearby_brickedChance: 30
    each value is the chance in %

    Dieses Werk bzw. Inhalt steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

    Version 0.3 (24.02.2012)
    • change the config system
    Version 0.2 (13.02.2012)
    • added Permission Support
    Version 0.1 (13.02.2012)
    • First Release
    If you would like support me, you can donate per paypal: -> click <-

    I hope I haven't forget anything =)
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Really nice!
    Kannst du es noch so machen das wenn es regnet, der verwitterungseffekt "startet" also nur da wo es regnet(biomes)
    Das wäre Epic :)
  4. Offline


    keine schlechte idee, das problem was ich dabei sehe ( nich programmiertechnisch, das steht derzeit auf nem andrem blatt) ist das irgendwann jeder stein nur noch grün oder rissig ist.

    ich überleg mir da mal was und teile euch das dann mit. mal sehn was ihr davon haltet.


    to start the weathering effect by raining on stonebricks is a nice idea, but the problem which i see is, that after a while every stone brick is mossy or bricked.

    i'll take my brain and think of it. when i get some solution i come back, post it and get your feedback.
    Cat likes this.
  5. Offline


    sounds good.[​IMG]

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