End of BookWorm, but do we profit from it?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by dadaemon, Apr 26, 2012.

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  1. I've been pointed out to the latest weekly build of Minecraft, http://www.mojang.com/2012/04/minecraft-snapshot-12w17a/, and what do I see?
    This will probably means that this will be the end of the great and wonderful plugin BookWorm by nisovin . Of course this is what, we as plugin developers, only enjoy! Our ideas finally into the game itself!

    Now onto us, the lost plugin developers surrounded by uncertainty of the future of our plugins and the development of the plugin interface with Minecraft itself.

    I've been trying to create a useful and workable interface between the client and the server without bothering the users to modify their own clients. For this I've been using the map as a way to show a menu interface for the user that can communicate with the plugins I'm running on the server.

    After seeing what the new book interface can do I would love to hear from other plugin developers, the Bukkit developers and maybe even Mojang themselves, if we can interface with this new input method?! If I could open up the book write interface through a signal from my plugin and capture what has been written, we plugin developers could do some amazing stuff with this.

    My Quest plugin, as shown in my signature, could use this to ask the user to write the introduction text of a quest. If I could use the book write interface then the user has an easy way to input large pieces of text into my plugin.

    And if the interface is, or will be, made. Then I would like to suggest even more control over the interface. Like controlling the buttons on the bottom? (The "Sign" and "Done" buttons.) But maybe that's just too much. :)

    So please, let me hear what you think about this subject. And maybe we could even use this as a trial run for the MC-API? ;)
    Unscrewed likes this.
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    Exactly what I thought, I hope this will be available in the API, to capture changes and see what has been written, etc. This could do some amazing stuff and (MAYBE) even use it as an user interface.
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    Moved to appropriate forum. This isn't really community feedback, its a discussion point.
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