Enforce entity limits (all entities)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Victor_Psycho, May 11, 2013.

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    I hope this plugin already exists and I’m not seeing it or I can twist a developer’s arm into implementing it within their current plugin. What I’m looking to do is enforce an entity limit for each player. Specifically press F3 and look at the third line down “E: 5/120” for example. I want that second number to never exceed 300 and if it does then no other entities can spawn within that player’s radius of loaded chunks.

    For example if I’m:
    1. 5 blocks away from a zombie spawner.
    2. 10 blocks away from an infinite village breeder.
    3. 10 blocks away from an iron golem farm.
    4. 10 blocks away from a gold farm. (overworld portals, etc.)
    5. Breeding cows.
    6. Throwing items on the ground.
    7. Water harvesting a 2,000 block wheat farm.
    8. Piston harvesting a 2,000 block melon/pumpkin/sugarcane farm.

    As soon as the loaded chunks around that specific player reaches 300 entitles, I want:
    1. The spawner to stop functioning or zombies to instantly despawn.
    2. The villagers to stop breeding or their kids to instantly despawn.
    3. Iron golems to stop spawning or instantly despawn.
    4. New zombie pigmen to instantly despawn.
    5. Cows/livestock to stop breeding or their offspring instantly despawns.
    6. Items thrown on the ground despawn (configurable filter) or the player cannot drop items.
    7. If the server TPS drops below a configurable threshold, all wheat/seeds/melons/pumpkins/sugarcane/etc despawn.
    8. None of the above to affect any other player who abides by the 300 entity limit.

    So far I’ve reviewed and tested: Clearlag, Nolagg, Chunkentitylimiter, EntitySuppressor
    Clearlagg and Chunkentitylimiter were close but not quite there. Any recommendations how to get the above accomplished?

    Side note:
    The server view distance is set to 8.

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