GA Listener : Luck vote now working?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by samydog12, Mar 28, 2014.

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    Hello Everyone!

    A while ago on my server we replaced one of our voting plugins for a more advanced one: GA listener. I set the config file up and before long it was working normally.

    Only today did I realise something must be wrong, as no one who voted received a lucky vote. I set chances out of 10 and when 20+ people have voted more than 10 times each, didn't receive a lucky vote. I was wondering why this was being caused and is there a fix?

    - Sorry for any errors as English is not my first language.
    Thanks, Samy :)
  2. Offline


    Hi samy.

    Can you post the config here? So we can see if something is wrong.

  3. Offline


    XarlyAlways Here you go :D

    # GiveAnything Config
    # Online only (default: true)
    # onlineonly: true
    # Only delivers rewards when the player is online. If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    # Lucky vote (default: false)
    # luckyvote: true
    # Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote, for the format see below.
    # Permission vote (default: false)
    # permvote: false
    # Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions, for the format see below.
    # Cumulative vote (default: false)
    # cumulative: false
    # Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes, for the format see below.
    # Show broadcast message for Queued votes (default: true)
    # broadcastqueue: true
    # Show broadcast message to recent voters (last 24 hours) (default: true)
    # broadcastrecent: true
    # Vote command (/vote) (default: true)
    # votecommand: true
    # Enables the /vote command which will show the message contained in the votemessage section at the bottom of this config.
    # Reward command (/rewards) (default: true)
    # rewardcommand: true
    # Enables the /rewards command which will show a list of all the cumulative voting rewards.
    # Join message (default: true)
    # joinmessage: true
    # Show the message contained in the joinmessage section at the bottom of this config when a player joins the server.
    # Message players who haven't voted in the last 24 hours (default: true)
    # voteremind: true
    # How often (in seconds) between each reminder message.
    # remindseconds: 300
    # Shows the message contained in the remindmessage section at the bottom of this config
    # Log received votes to vote.log file (default: false)
    # logfile: false
    # Database mode (default: sqlite)
    # dbMode: 'sqlite'
    # Use either mysql or sqlite database mode
    # Database filename (default: GAL.db) - for SQLite
    # dbFile: 'GAL.db'
    # Database IP / Hostname (default: localhost) - for MySQL
    # dbHost: 'localhost'
    # Database port (default: 3306) - for MySQL
    # dbPort: 3306
    # Database username (default: root) - for MySQL
    # dbUser: 'root'
    # Database password (default: none) - for MySQL
    # dbPass: ''
    # Database name (default: GAL) - for MySQL
    # dbName: 'GAL'
    # Database table prefix - for MySQL / SQLite
    # dbPrefix: ''
    # Services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
    # MC-Index:
    # broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}5 Diamonds {GOLD}and {GREEN}200 XP!'
    # playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    # commands:
    # - '/give {username} 264 5'
    # - '/xp give {username} 200'
    # The above examples would give a voter 5 diamonds and 200XP whenever they vote on a site with the service name "MC-Index"
    # Lucky votes section (disabled by default)
    # luckyvotes:
    # 50:
    # broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $1000!'
    # playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an extra $1000!'
    # commands:
    # - '/eco give {username} 1000'
    # 100:
    # broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was {GREEN}super lucky {GOLD}and received an {GREEN}extra $5000!'
    # playermessage: '{GREEN}You were super lucky and received an extra $5000!'
    # commands:
    # - '/eco give {username} 5000'
    # The above examples would give a 1 in 50 chance of a voter receiving an extra $1000, and a 1 in 100 chance of $5000
    # If you do not use essentials economy, the command(s) can be modified to suit whichever economy you use.
    # Permission votes section (disabled by default)
    # perms:
    # double:
    # broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
    # playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    # commands:
    # - '/give {username} 264 10'
    # This will override the service section if the player has the permission node gal.whatever (gal.double for the example above)
    # Cumulative votes section (disabled by default)
    # cumulative:
    # '10':
    # broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!'
    # playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!'
    # rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
    # commands:
    # - '/give {username} 264 20'
    # Blocked Worlds
    # blocked:
    # - world_blocked
    # A list of worlds where voting rewards should not be delivered.
    # Vote Message
    # votemessage:
    # - 'add a message here with voting information'
    # - 'players will see this when they type /vote'
    # Reminder Message
    # remindmessage:
    # - 'add a reminder message here for players'
    # - 'whose last vote was more than 24 hours ago'
    # Available codes for messages / commands:
    # {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
    # {username} {player} {name} = player username
    # & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes
    onlineonly: true
    luckyvote: true
    permvote: false
    cumulative: false
    broadcastqueue: true
    broadcastrecent: true
    votecommand: true
    rewardcommand: false
    joinmessage: true
    voteremind: false
    remindseconds: 300
    logfile: false
    dbMode: 'sqlite'
    dbFile: 'GAL.db'
    dbHost: 'localhost'
    dbPort: 3306
    dbUser: 'root'
    dbPass: ''
    dbName: 'GAL'
    dbPrefix: ''

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}for 5 Diamonds, 3 TNT and 12 Obsidian!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    - '/give {username} 264 5'
    - '/give {username} 49 12'
    - '/give {username} 46 3'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $10000!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an extra $10000!'
    - '/eco give {username} 10000'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was very lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $50000!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were very lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $50000!'
    - '/eco give {username} 50000'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was super lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $50000!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were very lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $50000!'
    - '/give {username} 322:2 4'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}Just recieved 1 set of diamond protection 4 from voting!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You recieved 1 set of protection 4!'
    - '/give {username} 310 1 protection:4'
    - '/give {username} 311 1 protection:4'
    - '/give {username} 312 1 protection:4'
    - '/give {username} 313 1 protection:4'

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    - '/give {username} 264 10'

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!'
    rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
    - '/give {username} 264 20'

    - world_blocked

    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - 'Thanks For Voting'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'

    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - 'You have not voted recently, please vote to support the server'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'

    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - '{GOLD}[1/10]{GREEN} Chance Of Getting An Extra $10000 When You Vote!'
    - '{GOLD}[1/50]{GREEN} Chance Of Getting An Extra $50000 When You Vote!'
    - '{GOLD}[1/100]{GREEN} Chance Of Getting 4 Op Apples!'
    - '{GOLD}[1/200]{GREEN} Chance Of Getting A Set Of Protection 4 Diamond!'
    - '{RED} Remember To Vote Daily For A Chance To Win!'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
  4. Offline


    Is this listener good?
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