
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sonic52, Apr 16, 2014.

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    Hey guys I have a problem with GaListener, when I vote for my server, GaListener is set up to give people $2000 but it doesn't, it brings up no broadcast or anything. /vote works and /fakevote works and all the commands, but when I vote it doesn't work. My server is apart of the PlanetMinecraft voting thing and its all set up correctly, here is my GaListener config

    Cheers Sonic


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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    Sounds like your vote site is not linking up properly to your vote listener. Wrong key/id?
  3. Offline


    How do I link the website to the vote Listener
  4. Offline


    I don't use GAListener but I assume it requires Votifier. In the votifier plugin folder, there is an "rsa\public.key" file which contains the unique key for your server (hopefully unique). That key needs to be associated with your vote site. When you sign up at a vote site, part of the setup is to configure the votifier key and your address. That is where the key needs to be set.
  5. Offline


    ive already done that, ive set up votifier 100% . Im just not sure why GaListener isnt picking up the votes
  6. Offline


    Do you see the vote in plugins\votifier\votes.log? If so, it is making it to votifier which would mean the issue would be solely with GAListener
  7. Offline


    EDIT: I am stupid. GAL makes a .db file within it's plugin folder on it's own (I THINK...maybe not....idk). Just ignore my post.
  8. ill prefer to use the randomvoting plugin can do same and maybe more and its works fine!
  9. Offline



    LHammonds in the Votifier file there is no votes.log there is only rsa, config and listeners


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  10. Offline


    1. Do you have vault and an economy plugin installed?
    2. Have you tried another reward-for-voting plugin and see if that works?
  11. Offline


    Then you might want to regenerate a new key on your server and then update your vote site with the new key and see if the votes come across. There is nothing GAListener or any other listener can do until you get your vote site talking to Votifier.
  12. Offline


    Marsyoranges yes I do have vault and iConomy and I have tried Vot4Cash
  13. Offline


    I'm having the same trouble. I even deleted the rsa file as it says on votifier and re added the public key to planet minecraft, it kept saying on console to not be able to connect, yet now it works and it gives the rewards just fine.

    It is the other sites as minecraft status and minecraft-index that do not give anything
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