Inactive [GEN/ADMN/FUN] AutoGamemode v2.0 - Now supports adventure gamemode [1.4.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Trader515, Oct 25, 2011.

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    Blankplanet likes this.
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    Xgames360 likes this.
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  4. Offline


    Darg! Similar idea, same name as my plugin. :p
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  6. Offline


    Version 1.1 is out! It adds a lot of new features which expand the options of this plugin drastically. =)
  7. Offline


    Nice job. Dont you get the Plugin Developer tag now? I'm gonna start my own plugin soon!
  8. Offline


    Thanks =)

    I would like to get the Plugin Developer tag but i read here that the Plugin Developer System is frozen. I wish you good luck with your plugin ;)
  9. Offline


    Ugh, My plugin kinda coplicated might take a LONG while but till then. Good luck on ur plugin!
  10. Offline


    I put your plugin on my server - does it create a config folder? as I can't use the commands in-game (I'm a OP and admin) :/
  11. Offline


    Hey RowdyKingDippyo,

    at the moment it doesn't create a config. To use this plugin, you need one of the following 3 permissions plugins: BukkitPermissions, bPermissions or PermissionsEx(PEX)

    Then you have to give yourself the permissions for the commands. You can find all the permissions in the tables of the AutoGamemode BukkitDev page.
  12. Offline


    Can i help develop this plugin with you? I use eclipse.
  13. Offline


    Version 1.2 is out! Lots of new functions and commands :D

    @themadman300: I'll answer you later per conversation ;)
  14. Offline


    Hey buddy, I love this plugin... but I have no clue how to go about getting it to work.

    I downloaded permissions bukkit and your plugin, but after that I get lost.

    Can someone hold me hand and tell me what to do, step by step, so I can just have every player on my server have their gamemode auto changed to survival? Sometimes I switch them to creative, but when they log out and back in I want them to be survival.

    I have no clue how to work either of these plugins and it all goes above my head, help?
  15. Offline


    Version 1.3 is out!
    Please look at this for detailed informations. ;)
  16. Offline


    Is there 1.1-R8? Or is this dude making it up?
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  18. Offline


    Hope someone will answer me here!:(

    Is there any way to get list of all players, who got creative mod right that time I check it?

    And also, why nodes autogamemode.* or autogamemode.command.* isn't worked?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  19. Offline


    At the moment there is only "/all check" which gives out in what gamemode every player online is ;)

    Because I didn't implement that, sorry ;)
  20. Offline


    Aww. You sure must do that :)
  21. Offline


    Ok I'll make an "autogamemode.command.* " node for the next version :)
  22. Offline


    Wondering, how can I turn off admin notifications.
    Thank you.
  23. Offline


    Version 2.0 is out!

    AutoGamemode now supports adventure gamemode. Furthermore I added *perms and much more ;)

    Please look at this for a more detailed changelog and the download link ;)

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