Group Manager Groups.yml issue

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hhhhh10, Aug 20, 2014.

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    Ive had a pending issue in the console and its been traced back to my groups.yml making group manager not work there are 2 errors in the console
    Unexpected exception while parsing console command "manload"
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException can anybody try to see whats wrong?
  2. ??? go to config.yml groups.yml and check for errors.
    Your problem is that you erred when you tune plugin.
    But first, can you describe to fix the problem with the command:
    /mandemote <player> <group>
    /mandemote <group> <player> ???

    Attached Files:

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    Paste full plugins/groupmanager/error.log please.
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    And please don't tell me I used "tab" because i haven't and both yaml checkers I used say I haven't and I've gone through all files checking for tabs
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    hhhhh10 Those groups work fine for me, are you sure you gave us the 'factions1' groups.yml?
    If you take a look at the bottom of every error, it tells you exactly where the issue is:
    Caused by: mapping values are not allowed here
    in "<reader>", line 99, column 30:
              build: true      suffix: ''
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    So does that mean that the "x" isnt supposed to be there? I'm a bit confused as to what the ^ is pointing to

    Actually, I found it :D suffix was above build thanks for your help!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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