Help with jenkins packaging into a jar file

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by deery50, Jul 28, 2013.

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    So I have a github project for my plugin here:
    and I got a free cloudbees account and have the plugin on my jenkins here:
    I am pretty completely knew to jenkins and was wondering how to go around making it so that it packages the job into a jar file, thanks to anyone who helps!
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    I'd recommend switching to Maven (possibly Ant), as it will download and prepare all the necessary dependencies for you. Here's an example of a pom.xml for one of my projects.

    If you haven't already, I'd recommend installing Maven Project Plugin and
    Jenkins GIT plugin. Then you create a new job based on Maven 2/3, and enter these configuration options (ignore sidebar links).
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  4. Offline


    I can't see your console log, even after signing up to the service:
    Authorization failed
    You are not authorized to use this Jenkins instance. If you think this is an error please contact CloudBees support.
    Can you post it as a pastebin link instead?
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  6. Offline


    You need to add Essentials to your dependencies.

    Now - I haven't been able to find Essentials on any Maven repositories, so you may have to host it yourself. I recommend Sonatype Nexus.

    However ... you may use my Maven Repository in the meantime, but I won't keep it up to date with the latest version. So you really should host this yourself:
    Remember to add my repository:
      <name>Comphenix Maven Releases</name>
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  8. Offline


    Strange, Sonatype seems to only have created the file, not uploaded it. It may be a bug in the old version I'm using.

    Oh well, I managed to fix it by copying the JAR file directly in Explorer.

    As for getting your own, you could try go looking for a free host. But a general VPS is not all that expensive, and you could use it to host your Jenkins CI as well. Just don't go for AWS, it's not very cost-effective at the low scale IMO.
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    So I got my own repository, which anyone is more than free to use if they need an essentials repo, I'll try to keep it updated just make sure that your pom.xml version matches the one in the repo. Here is the repo:
    But anyway, the problem now is that if you were to go to my plugins download and looked in the jar here:
    it doesn't look like a normal bukkit plugin's jar. How would I make it so the compiler archives the right things to the right places, once again I am completely new to maven.

    After a feew builds it stopped working, here is my pom:
    here is the console log:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  10. Offline


    This is exactly what happened to me in post #8. I don't know why the upload failed, but you've got an empty JAR file on the repository. Now, I have physical access to the server (and thus the file system), so I could simply overwrite that file in the repository. Can you?

    As for your resources problem - the folder should be in src/main/resources, not src/resources. Pay attention. :p
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  12. Offline


    Do you know of any free VPS hosts with like...128 mb of memory?
  13. Offline


    There's usually a catch, though. I've seen hosts that require you to install spyware or annoying browser toolbars, though I suppose you could do that on a VM ...

    But, I think you should go for a cheap host instead. I found a pretty good deal here (2GB for 5€ a month), for instance. And you might want to consider more RAM, though it depends on what you intend to run. I use about 280 MB to run a Jenkins server, for instance.
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