Hours Logger

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by vk222u, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: Hourlogger

    What I want: I'm am currently in the middle of setting up a server and I want to make a min amout of hours a month for my server staff to be on, so I am trying to find a simple plugin that will just log each players hours logged in on the server into a simple to read format. it can go to a txt doc or a yml file.


    # time format = Hours : Minutes : Seconds
    I would also need a automatic reset and backup and the end of the changeable period. Or can use server time/date to organise a monthly backup and reset

    Ideas for commands:

    /hl hours **will show players current hours
    /hl hours [playername]. **Displays players hours**
    /hl reload **Reloads plugin**
    /hl help **Lists commands**
    /hl reset **resets all logged time to 0**

    Ideas for permissions:

    aim is to allow it to work with PermissionEx.

    - hourslogger.* (allow full use of the commands)
    - hourslogger.log (will log anyone in that group)
    - hourslogger.view (allows use of /hl hours command)
    - hourslogger.view.others (allows use of /hl hours playername command)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.


    I have added new features I need and I am back getting a server ready so if this could be made quickly I really appreciate that.
  2. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    does this not already exist? if it doesn't id be glad to help you
  3. Offline


    that would be awesome if you could help out.

  4. Offline


    I can't understand the request O_O
    You want a plugin that logs the player play time?
    So if i play for 5 hours on your server, it should log it?

    /hl hours [playername] what should it do?
  5. Offline


    Well the idea is the plugin logs a players total online hours for the server in the format of 00:00:00 H/M/S and hl hours [playername] would show that players current total hours
  6. Offline


    vk222u Gimme a hour or two.
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Updated and still looking for this plugin
  10. Offline


    Use ontime?
  11. Offline


    I was just looking at on time and notices it is similar but the best way to use it is with a database, my ideas is database free
  12. Offline


    So don't use a database?
  13. Offline


    As I mentioned in my plugin brief I need one with group based permissions to enable the logging of my server staff, unfortunately ontime doesn't have the ability to set a - ontime.log which would only log my moderator group. That is the main purpose for the plugin need
  14. Offline


    There is a way to configure OnTime to track only the people you want.

    Configure the purge function as follows:

    # If purge is enabled users will be auto removed from stored file if they don't have enough play time / or have not been on for so long
    purgeEnable: true
    # minimum time in minutes someone has to be on for their data to be saved
    purgeTimeMin: 10000
    And give all of your admins the following permission:


    With this settings any player that does not log 10,000 minutes (full week real time) during a given login will have their OnTime record tossed automatically. The only ones that will not get tossed are those with the "ontime.purge.exclude" permission.

    The only exception is that depending on what commands you run you may see some online players appear in some output, but the reports generated, which I think is what you are after, should now show any players other than your admins.

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