Solved How to check if a player can damage another player using Factions API

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deleted user, Oct 22, 2014.

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    Deleted user

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    Joiner I think UPlayer has a method for getting the relation with another UPlayer.
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    Deleted user

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    Deleted user

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    Joiner in the last source they seem to be using MPlayer, but the method getRelationTo most certainly exists.
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    Deleted user

    MPlayer does not have a method called getRelationTo(), UPlayer has.
    I'd prefer a simple canDamage() function, but doesn't matter.
    1. UPlayer.getRelationTo(RelationPartecipator)

    What is RelationPartecipator object? How do I get it?
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    Joiner it's another UPlayer or Faction.
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    Deleted user

    fireblast709 Thank you!
    1. UPlayer.get(Player).getRelationTo(UPlayer.get(Player)).isFriend();
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