How to manipulate player inventory in the login event?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SaxSalute, Apr 23, 2014.

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        public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event)
            Player p = event.getPlayer();
            event.getPlayer().getInventory().addItem(Inventories.COMPASS); //This is a custom meta compass I have defined.
    This code throws an NPE, but it works perfectly fine when called in any other location in the code. Is there any way to make something like this work in the login event?
  2. Have you tried using the PlayerJoinEvent instead?
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    Their not even in the server yet.
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    Try adding a delay to it or making it a "onPlayerJoinEvent" . And also, I don't think you have to call the "updateInventory" method, and you could just do "p.getInventory()" instead of "e.getPlayer()".
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    I actually copy pasted that code from elsewhere because I knew it was functional. I didn't retool it properly. Didn't realize there were 2 separate login type events. Thanks!
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    EDIT: Nevermind, seems to have been solved! :)

    Out of pure curiosity what line is the NPE on? I don't think it's your enum throwing that error... but knowing which line would help a lot.
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