How To Select Item by Id ? [Help Needed]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by footy, Apr 24, 2014.

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    Im trying to select An item by id.

    I know the code on how to do this but my question is, how do i select a item with the id like 194:1

    If i input 194*1 it still select all item with the ID 194 but i dont want to touch all items with ID 194 only 194:1.

    Any ideas ?
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    It depends on the exact item. For dyes, for example you can't do if(ID=302:23), but you can do something like if (ID=302), if(dye.getColor()==color.RED)
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    Items I was thinking of would be part of BuildCraft.

    They have solar panels one under single if of 194 and the other 194:1.

    I dont want to touch the Solar panel under Id 194 only the on under 194:1
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