How to write a backwards-compatible code block?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zhro, Apr 18, 2014.

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    This is kind of a double question.

    before 1.7.9, player data was stored here:

    worldName + "/player/" + p.getName() + ".dat"

    Now it is stored here:

    worldName + "/playerdata/" + p.getUniqueId() + ".dat"

    A plugin I help to maintain broke from this update for two reasons. The "player" folder was changed to "playerdata" and the file name was changed from the player's name to the new UUID string.

    My first question is whether there is a way to get the "player/playerdata" path in such a way that is not hard-coded as it is here.

    My second question is how to write an expression which allows me to say, "if the version of bukkit is older than 1.7.9, execute this block, else, execute this other block".

  2. Offline


    two separate handlers and switch, i hope you will find self method to get bukkit version.
  3. Offline



    Try this, its untested though
    1. public File getPlayerDatFile(Player p){
    2. String s = Bukkit.getVersion();
    3. s = s.replaceAll(".","");
    4. if (Integer.parseInt(s) >= 179){
    5. return new File("path/to/file/"+p.getUniqueId()+".dat");
    6. } else {
    7. return new File("old/minecraft/path/to/file/"+p.getUniqueId()+".dat");
    8. }
    9. }
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