[INACTIVE][MECH]RemoteChests 1.5 - Access your chests remotely [Permissions&iConomy] [718]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ThaPear, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RemoteChests - Access your chests remotely
    Version: v1.5

    This plugin allows you to access your chests remotely via commands or linking.
    Chests you create can be accessed only by you, unless you allow other users via command.

    It now supports permissions, if permissions are not present, everyone will be able to use remote chests.

    It now supports iConomy as well, allowing you to set a price for all commands
    If iConomy is not present, everything is free

    • Access your chests remotely using commands
    • Link multiple chests to your remote chest
    • Right clicking on a linked chest opens the corresponding remote chest
    • Chests, Owners and allowed users are saved through server restarts
    • Only chest owners, or specifically allowed users can access your chests
    • Permissions support, without it everyone can use chests (when allowed by the owner)
    • iConomy support, commands can be priced, without iConomy, everything is free.
    • Sign location is changeable in settings.txt
    • Limited amount of chests per player
    • [player] is substituted for the interacting player's name
    Disclaimer: Since I am a lonely coder (in a dark corner somewhere) I cannot extensively test all features of this plugin. So please forgive me for any bugs/errors in the plugin.
    When you encounter bugs, please let me know by copy-pasting the error from the server console.
    Download Jar

    I'm ok with you using code from here, if you credit and notify me.

    See images below for chest linking examples.
    Chest Linking (open)
    To link a chest block to a remote chest, place a sign above it with [rc] NAME on it. The NAME can also be placed on the next line.
    It will automatically search for an existing remote chest with that name and link to that.
    If the target chest does not exist, it will be created.
    Any items in the original chest block will be transferred to the remote chest. (When linking and when creating)
    Items will be auto-stacked when transferred. If they still do not fit, they will be dropped.
    Show Commands (open)
    [arg] = Optional argument:
    /rchelp - Show commands in-game
    /rcopen <name> - Open aremote chest
    /rccreate <name> - Create a remote chest
    /rcremove <name> - Remove a remote chest (ALL CONTENTS WILL BE LOST)
    /rcrename <oldname> <newname> - Rename a remote chest, items will be copied to target chest.
    /rcsort <name> - Sort the contents of a remote chest by item id.
    /rcstack <name> - Stack all stackable items to 64
    /rclist - Lists all remote chests. If more than 18 exist, you can specify page to see further down the list.

    Usable only by chest owners:
    /rcallow <playername> <chestname> - Allow specified user to access specified chest.
    /rcdisallow <playername> <chestname> - Disallow specified user to access specified chest.
    /rcsetowner <playername> <chestname> - Transfer ownership of specified chest to specified player

    /rcmerge <chest1name> <chest2name> [newname] [flags]
    Merge 2 chests, when no new name is specified, <chest1name> is used
    Show Flags (open)

    I - Ignore overfilled chests, items will be lost
    SWF - Auto-stack contents if target chest becomes overfilled
    O - Auto-overwrite target chest, needed if newname is already a chest and not chest1/chest2, items in target chest will be lost.
    AM - Auto-merge with target chest, same context as O, but merges all 3 chests (auto-specifies SWF).
    S - Auto-stack contents before merging
    SS - Auto-stack contents before & after merging
    Permission nodes (open)
    Admin = "rc.admin"
    Open Linked chests = "rc.linkedopen"
    Free chest creation = "rc.freecreate"
    Free chest linking = "rc.freelink"
    Unlimited amount of chests = "rc.unlimitedamount"

    /rcopen = "rc.open"
    /rccreate = "rc.create"
    /rcremove = "rc.remove"
    /rcrename = "rc.rename"
    /rcsort = "rc.sort"
    /rcstack = "rc.stack"
    /rcmerge = "rc.merge"
    /rclist = "rc.list"
    Owners/Allowed (open)
    Players now own the chests they create, and no-one can access their chests unless they are allowed to do so by the owner.
    The owner can use the command /rcallow <playername> <chestname> and /rcdisallow <playername> <chestname> to allow/disallow a player access to the specified chest.
    The owner can also transfer ownership to another user by using /rcsetowner <playername> <chestname>.
    Admins can access all chests & change owners/allowed.
    Settings (open)
    Run the plugin once, it will generate settings.txt
    Possible settings:
    (don't place spaces in the settings.txt file)
    signlocation:up - The location relative to the chest that the sign needs to be (up/down/north/east/south/west)
    tagplayer:[player] - The tag that will be replaced by the player's name
    maxchestsperplayer:10 - The maximum amount of chests a player can own
    chestcreateprice:0 - The iConomy cost for creating a chest
    chestlinkprice:0 - The iConomy cost for linking to a chest (using a sign)

    An example of multiple chests linking to the same remote chest.
    This is an image of my base on the sea floor.
    This is an image of my base at bedrock.
    Those 8 chests link to the same 4 remote chests, allowing me to access those chests from either location. I can also access those chests with for example /rcopen dirt or /rcopen stone.

    Version 1.5
    • Added option for cost for all commands
    • Changed settings.txt handling. <----- SERVER ADMINS
    • Rewrote lots.
    Version 1.4
    • Added cost for sign linking
    • Added free chest/sign linking permission
    • Added sign location setting
    • Added limit to amount of chests a player can own, and permission for unlimited
    • Added cost for sign linking
    Version 1.3
    • Added Owners/Allowed
    Version 1.2
    • Added iConomy support
    Version 1.1
    • Added Permissions
    Version 1.0
    • Initial Upload.
  2. Offline


    You'll have to place the same sign above both halves of the chest.
  3. Do you think it would possible to make these chests work with minecart mania?

    i know its creating a virtual chest and linking it to a physical one.

    is it not possible to have a Physical chest.. put the sign above / on / under it and access it via a command?
  4. Offline


    Ah, I'll take a look at it this weekend
  5. just been playing with your plugin and found a small problem with stacking, if i put in 2 stacks of 4 it will stack OK, if i put in 3 stacks of 32 i get back 2 stacks of 64 and stack of 32. it seems any items that make a stack of 63 or less will stack but over 64 and you get more then you had before.
  6. also, is there a way to do away with the sign? and type a command like /rclink sithnar.. then tap a chest ?
  7. Offline


    Are you able to attach chests to multiple players?
    if not, could you be able to create this?
  8. think im being daft...

    given the rc.linkedopen permission.. but people in the group are still not able to open chests.
    they can however to /chest sithnar .. but not open a physical chest with the [rc] sithnar sign

    am i missing something simple?
  9. Offline

    Logan Jones

    How do i access the second page of chests? I have /rclist but i cant figure out how to see the rest.
  10. Offline


    Are you able to create something in the settings files that dissalows. Admins to look into other peoples chest. I would greatly appreciate it.
  11. Nice plugin! We definitively need minecart mania support for collecting/depositing items. As a "root" chest containing dirt and a cart passing besides a connected chest to it, taking dirt from it
  12. Offline


    When I close and re-open the server, all of my remote chests are deleted. I'm using the latest recommended Bukkit build.
  13. Offline


    cb 718 - inactive
  14. Offline


    Sorry for really bad english! :/

    I fixed several bugs in RC:
    - Permissions now working (displayed only error message, but access was possible)
    - Damagevalue was not saved during server restarts/reloads (all itemdamage value = 0; items gets repaired, colors changed to ink sacs, colored wool to white wool, ...)
    - it was possible to have 1 chest more than in config
    - a few i forget

    - Log on console: "[RC] Chest CHESTNAME opened by PLAYERNAME"

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5774365/RemoteChests.jar (#767 .. #812 - should work before #767, too - but not tested)
    Only short test on #812, because the server itself was not really stable. But rc was working fine.
  15. Offline



    Does it still work for you? It wont start up for me on 928...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  16. Offline


    Yes, we have #928 running and rc is working fine. I reuploaded it again, because 4 bytes are different from the version we are using on our server.

    What error message you get?
  17. any chance of this updating to latest RB?
  18. Offline


    We use this on the latest RB (without iConomy).
  19. does anyone use this with iconomy?

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