Include dbo post description (Or parts of it designated through formatting) in plugin searches.

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Me4502, Jul 27, 2013.


Yay or Nay?

  1. Yay

    4 vote(s)
  2. Nay

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    Basically my idea is to include portions of a dbo post in the searches. This would be incredibly useful for plugins with an obscure name that has nothing to do with the features, including it's feature list in the search.

    My basic idea is to have some tags that you can tag an area of a dbo page, and it'll include that in the searches. Eg, I would include this section of CraftBook's page:

    That would allow people to see the plugin when they search for the features.


    Edit: To combat people abusing this, there would have to be a rule against abusing it to get extra downloads... And it would have to be a valid reason to report plugins.
    JazzaG likes this.
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    Heh, I actually already implemented this in the beta version of pbo, but it's still a "hidden" experimental feature which is still kinda broken. This is coming, though. Stay tuned.
    lol768 likes this.
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    Oh cool, will your system use tags to set the search area or just search the entire post?
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    It uses tags, but at the moment the description provided is only used underneath the plugin name on pbo searches and isn't counted specially in searches.
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    Oh cool, I'll look forward to it being implemented :)
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    Ultimate_n00b :3
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