Killstreak annoucements (KitPvP)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Fhbgsdhkfbl, Apr 15, 2014.

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    Hey bukkit forums!
    I am coding a kitpvp plugin (Still)
    And I am trying to make killstreak announcements, like when a player gets 3, 5, 10, etc etc, you get my point, it will broadcast (Player) has gotten a killstreak of 3.

    But this doesn't seem to work

    public static HashMap<String, Integer> killstreak = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
            if (e.getEntity().getKiller() instanceof Player && e.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
                Player k = e.getEntity().getKiller();
                Player p = e.getEntity().getPlayer();
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 5){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 5!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 8){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 8!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 10){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 10!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 15){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 15!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 20){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 20!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 25){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 25!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 30){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 30!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 35){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 35!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 40){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 40!");
                if(killstreak.get(k.getName()) == 50){
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " Has a killstreak of 50!");
                if (killstreak.get(p.getName()) > 5) {
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " just ended" + p.getName() + " 's KillStreak");
  2. Offline


    Well are you ever increasing the value? Also, why not just put the variable in the string instead of using a ridiculous number of if statements?
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    Okay... This is a Sisyphean task.
    int i = killstreak.get(k.getName());
    is a much easier way.

    Plus, you are not modifying the players killstreak when they kill/get killed. The full code is:

    2. public static HashMap<String, Integer> killstreak = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    3. @EventHandler
    4. public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
    5. if (e.getEntity().getKiller() instanceof Player && e.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
    6. Player k = e.getEntity().getKiller();
    7. Player p = e.getEntity().getPlayer();
    8. killstreak.put(k.getName(), killstreak.get(k.getName())+1);
    9. killstreak.put(p.getName(), 0);
    10. int i = killstreak.get(k.getName());
    11. if(i==5||i==8||i==10||i==15||i==20||i==25||i==30||i==35||i==40||i==50){
    12. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName()+ChatColor.GRAY+" has a killstreak of "+i+"!");
    13. }
    14. if (killstreak.get(p.getName()) > 5) {
    15. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " just ended" + p.getName() + " 's KillStreak");
    16. }
    17. }
    18. }
  5. Offline


    thank you so much, I will remember this in the future! :3


    I must be an idiot or something but after a player gets 5 kills, it's not announcing that he/she got the kills.
    Idk why it's doing that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  6. Offline


    Is the event registered?
  7. Offline


    Well it's in my Main class, do I still need to register the events?
    Isn't it enabled?
        public void onEnable(){
            getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
  8. Offline


    Yes you need to register if it's in your main class, but it looks like you have done so if that's your onEnable method. Try adding some debug messages to see where it's failing.
  9. Offline


    TIP: If you are going to announce just mutiples of 5 killstreaks I would use (killstreak) % 5 == 0 to check if it's multiple of 5. Much more clean and efficient
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    An example:
    1. int killstreak = 5 // let's say the killstreak is 5.
    2. // now we gotta check if the killstreak is a multiple of 5:
    3. if (killstreak % 5 == 0){
    4. // will return true because 5 does is a multiple of 5.
    5. }
    6. killstreak = 7; // now we re-set our killstreak to 7
    7. // then we do the same thing
    8. if (killstreak % 5 == 0){
    9. //it will return false because killstreak is not a multiple of 5.
    10. }

    The most explained possible.
  12. Offline


    You're not explaining why it's not broadcasting the message when a player gets 5 kills in a row
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    Idk how to do debug messages
  15. Offline


    Add some system output messages after each if statement. If it doesn't reach message x, then it hasn't passed the statement, so you know where it's failing.
  16. Offline


    x%y means the remnat of x/y, like the remnat of 5/2 is 1.
    GaaTavares I didnt think of that.
    1. public static HashMap<String, Integer> killstreak = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    2. @EventHandler
    3. public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
    4. if (e.getEntity().getKiller() instanceof Player && e.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
    5. Player k = e.getEntity().getKiller();
    6. Player p = e.getEntity().getPlayer();
    7. killstreak.put(k.getName(), killstreak.get(k.getName())+1);
    8. killstreak.put(p.getName(), 0);
    9. int i = killstreak.get(k.getName());
    10. if(i%5==0||i==8){
    11. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName()+ChatColor.GRAY+" has a killstreak of "+i+"!");
    12. }
    13. if (killstreak.get(p.getName()) > 5) {
    14. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(k.getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " just ended" + p.getName() + " 's KillStreak");
    15. }
    16. }
    17. }

    This should work. If not please send the full code.
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