Launching entities (cows, chickens) with knockback/block changing

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by The__Master_Coder, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. I am currently working on a plugin in which you launch a chicken from your eye height. So far when I right click a shovel, a chicken is launched from me, but it is launched from my feet. I also want to make it so that if the chicken hits a block, then that block disappears, and if the chicken hits a player then the player gets knocked back a fair distance. I do not know of an event in which it would allow me to make blocks disappear or deal knock back to players from a flying chicken. Can anyone help me out? I also don't know how to make the chicken i launched go in the exact direction im looking.
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    Start by posting your current code so we have some base code to help you from.
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    Set entity velocity
  5. Sorry I didn't post code, this was from my iPhone, but thanks for the suggestions guys I will try these things when I get home. :)

    1. public void spawnMOB(Player player) {
    2. Location l = new Location(player.getWorld(), player.getLocation().getX(),
    3. player.getLocation().add(0, 1, 0).getY(), player.getLocation().getZ());
    4. Chicken cow = (Chicken) player.getLocation().getWorld().spawn(l, Chicken.class);
    5. cow.setCustomName(ChatColor.AQUA + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Flying Chicken");
    6. cow.setCustomNameVisible(true);
    7. cow.setBaby();
    8. cow.setAgeLock(true);
    9. Vector dir = cow.getLocation().getDirection();
    10. dir.distance(dir);
    11. dir.multiply(2); //speed
    12. cow.setVelocity(dir);
    13. }

    This is my current method for spawning the chicken and setting the velocity. Did I do the location right? Also I do not know of a event that I can listen for when the chicken hits a block, so that it will remove the block or an event that is called when the chicken hits a player, so it can deal knockback. Any ideas?

    Also I would like to make it so that gravity does not affect the chickens, how do you do that?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    You never called the getEyeLocation so you didn't use that properly, for the hitting a block you'll have to make a repeater that periodically checks for a block adjacent to the chicken, there are no events.

    Here is some cleanup to your current method:
    2. public void spawnMOB(Player player) {
    3. //Don't have a bunch of unecessary code to get individual x,y,z when you already have the location
    4. Location l = player.getEyeLocation();
    5. //No need to call getLocation as player also has getWorld method
    6. //Also, use meaningful names that make sense, don't use the name cow for a chicken
    7. Chicken chicken = (Chicken) player.getLocation().getWorld().spawn(l, Chicken.class);
    9. chicken.setCustomName(ChatColor.AQUA + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Flying Chicken");
    10. chicken.setCustomNameVisible(true);
    11. chicken.setBaby();
    12. chicken.setAgeLock(true);
    14. //Changed to player.getLocation as the chicken location's direction may get changed when it is created
    15. Vector dir = player.getLocation().getDirection();
    16. //Removed random distance check to itself, why?
    17. dir.multiply(2); //speed
    18. chicken.setVelocity(dir);
    19. }

  7. Thanks for the code cleanup, and location fix, but I am unaware of how to make a repeater that is checking for a block adjacent to the chicken every once in a while. Also the reason it was cow, was because I wanted to change the entity being launched to cow ( yes I know it was a little messy ) because the chicken would flap its wings. But, I do not know how to make a repeater.
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  9. Not only, RingOfStorms, but if anybody can help me on how to disable gravity when you spawn in a baby cow/chicken, that would be very helpful. Thanks!
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