Leader Board Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheShadyOneHD, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Offline


    i basically want a leader board plugin. it would be really cool if you could completely customise it in the config (eg. line 1 - /money and that would display their money on the first line)

    but if this is too hard then the following will be great if you able to complete it :D
    so add on's for this plugin ( http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins...atsscoreboard/ )

    add a number of features to the plugin above. all this will be in have to be in English (the other plugins aren't)
    (the score is kills/deaths)
    Set up like this:
    Name: Your Stats
    the amount of PVP (as in player vs player) kills
    the amount of PVP (as in player vs player) deaths
    faction power

    Then after 30 seconds this set up:

    Name: Top Pvpers
    1. name of person with highest score
    2. name of person with 2nd highest score
    3. name of person with 3rd highest score
    4. and so on
    5. .....

    then after 30 seconds back to first one.
  2. Offline


    You could do this with command blocks.
  3. Offline


    willnt that make the server lag
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Not noticeable more than any plugin with the same functionality
  5. Offline


    would you be able to make this plugin?
  6. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    This would to recreate things that already been made, and to be honest: I don't like the scoreboard API, so I won't be using it
  7. Offline


    ok, I haven't tried command blocks yet ill give it go :D

    I don't actually think you can achieve this with command blocks...im a wrong?

    I don't actually think you can achieve this with command blocks...im a wrong?

    plus do you know anyone that I can contact about making this plugin (you don't seem keen)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  8. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It is partially doable with commandblocks, and just wait for an other dev to come by
  9. Offline


    ok well thanks heaps for all your wonderful help :D (im new here)
    timtower likes this.
  10. Offline


    I can do this. Hopefully. I will try, at least. Few minutes, please :)
    [EDIT] Mine's going to be standalone, sort of, because I can't add-on to that plugin because I'm not sure how to add on xD. Also, you're going to need Vault if that's not a problem.

    [EDIT 2] TheShadyOneHD
  11. Offline


    no problem at all I already use it :D
  12. Offline


    have you been able to complete the plugin or are you still trying?
  13. Offline


    TheShadyOneHD :eek: I thought someone already made it. Lol, sorry, I got a request from someone (paid) so I'm busy..
  14. Offline


    so are you still gonna do it?
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    I Am Interested In Doing This I Will Upload It Asap

    This Looks Like Something Doable. I know there are other plugins out there similar to the one you're requesting, but I don't think there is one with all the things you've requested. This does look perfectly doable.

    I'd have a config on what to enable.
    I'd also have a variables file containing the different variables you can place in scoreboards, eg: {name}
    I'd probably then have a scoreboards file which you would place your scoreboards into, (color code enabled).
    Something like this.

    Please Go Back To TheVariables To See Color Codes/Configuration Details

    Please State How Long You Would Like The Interval Between Showing Different ScoreBoards Will Be
    Interval Between Different ScoreBoards: 60

    This Is A Default Scoreboard, You May Edit This Or Add Different ScoreBoards.
    Please Do Not Go Over The Maximum Of {WIP} Lines As This May Make The Plugin Not Function Properly.

    Name: ScoreBoard
    Title: &c{name}'s &4Stats
    Line 1: &aBalance: {name_balance}
    Line 2: &aKills: {name_kills}
    Line 3: &aFaction Power: {name_fpower}

    This Is Probably what it will look like.
    It Will probably include a permissions folder as-well, to decide if the player can or can't see the scoreboard.

    Please Inform Me If You want anything else added.

    A list of plugins practical and convenient so far I could think of making compatible with this plugin.

    Essentials Economy

    Those Look Like The Big Main Ones Requested, I Do Not Want To Go To Complicated.

    Minigames Plugins (not to many please):
    Spleef (maybe)
    Templerun (maybe)

    Also If I develop Earthgames For Public Use I might Use This Plugin As A Dependency. For The Earthgames Scoreboard.

    I think I can make this the top scoreboard plugin there is.
  17. Offline


    sorry about the later reply :/ this looks great and i love your options :D
    i use factions, Essentials Economy
    but may add hunger games later (if my server gets more people)

    the following is also the minigame plugin im looking for....

    plugin category: mini game
    suggested name: cluster chuck
    what I want: I want this as a plugin :http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...p-in-the-sky-13-and-new-14-version-available/

    signs: there will be signs for joining arena's (with amount of players in it like red: 2 blue: 0)

    teams: can create teams with people (will make prefix with team name
    if in team /cc ready (will say your ready after the team prefix and will indicate your ready)
    if solo you can use either /cc join {number of arena} (will pick random team)
    or /cc join {number of arena} {team red or blue} (will put player in that team)

    after you join a arena you will get teleported to a waiting room for the game to start

    ideas for commands: /cc join {team name} /cc create {team name} /cc join {number}(will let them join this arena this is either for the team or solo) /cc leave (leaves the arena) /cc kit {name} (kits that can be in config)

    ideas for commands: cluster.player , cluster.admin

    when i'd like it by: whenever done
  18. Offline


    Merged double post, removed a few posts.
    timtower likes this.
  19. Offline


    I added SurvivalGames to the list as the current leaderboard plugin was already compatible with it.
  20. Offline


    wait is it completed? where?
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  22. Offline


    Theres a plugin for the first thing you were saying but hg api intigration if it has api will take a while and take a while to code like storing hashmaps and etc and thats a lot for a free plugin.
  23. Offline


    i dont really need hg ingratiation but he offered it.....
  24. Offline


    BUMP please someone do this plugin :)

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