Lock-Picker plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xXChaosXx, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi, I am searching for an lock-picker plugin (Like in Skyrim) to open locked chests, doors, etc. (LWC compatible). Is there such a plugin on BukkitDEV? If not, can someone make a plugin for me?

    Info :

    Right klick a locked chest (for exemple) with an stick. Theres a 1:100 Chance to open the chest (In configuration). If it misses the stick will break. If it works you can use it again

    Command :

    No Ideas :D

    Permissions :

    No Ideas :D

    Config :

    "Item ID" The Item (default = Stick)
    "Chance" (default = 1:20)
    "mcmmo" true / false (default = false)

    Plugin Category : Fun / RPG

    Plugin Name : Creators Choice !


    PS : I reposted this thread, because i think that some users here don't know the word chrochet. Please close the first thread.

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