
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jduffygames, May 31, 2014.

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    First of all: No modreq is not what I am looking for.

    Plugin category: AdminHelp

    Suggested name: ModHelp

    What I want:

    Base command:
    Alias: /mh
    permission: modhelp.modhelp
    Nopermission msg: §cYou dont have permission for §a/modhelp
    When someone does /modhelp it tells them
    §c§lModhelp: §9Do §a/modhelp <Question>
    Each player is only aloud to have 1 modhelp question at a time when there question is taken by a staff member they will be able to make another one

    When someone makes the question it will broadcast
    §a§lModhelp question received from <name> #<how many questions they have done>
    Permission: modhelp.receive

    Command: /modhelp list
    This will tell you every question that has been submitted
    When someone does /modhelp list it will tell them:
    §9#1 §7<Question>
    §9#2 §7<NextQuestion>
    §9#3 §7<NextQuestion>
    Permission: modhelp.list
    Nopermission msg: §cYou dont have permission for §a/modhelp list

    Command: /modhelp takenext
    When this command is done it will broadcast:
    §c§lModhelp: §<Person who did the command> §9has taken the next question from §a<person the question is from>
    When the command is done it will also tell the person will be told
    §a§lYou took the next modhelp from §a§l<person who the question is from> §7: §9<Question> §7: §a#<number of modhelps that person has taken>

    Permission: modhelp.takenext
    NoPermission msg: §cYou dont have permission for §a/modhelp takenext

    Command: /modhelp clear
    This will clear all modhelps from the list
    It will tell the player: §c§lModhelp: §aYou have cleared all the modhelps!
    Permission: modhelp.clear

    No permission msg: §cYou dont have permission for /modhelp clear
    I am sorry that it does not fit the given outline but I had pre made this before.
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    Jduffygames <removed>, i am willing t odev all ur plugin requests, but i dont think u shud keep posting im plugin requests if u will get all ur server plugins from there

    [edit by JaguarJo: removed Skype request. Please keep all discussion in the thread as per our posting guidelines. Thank you.]
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    Why not? If he has a request he is welcome to post. Also why take all his requests to private messaging when public threads will increase the chance of it being made.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Not everybody needs private plugins etc, if there is a server that has a good plugin then I can guarantee you that there will be a request for a copy on here.
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    Jduffygames this plugin supports the functionality you want, I don't see the problem.

    Edit: if it is the custom commands you are looking for, write some aliases in a plugin like command helper or timtower's plugin.
  13. Offline


    The modreq plugin does not work why don't you read the post and if you cant help leave the thread
  14. Offline


    You never specified that it didn't work, you just said that it is not what you are looking for.

    Being hostile to developers isn't going to encourage anyone to make your plugin for you. I was suggesting an alternative that I know to be working on the latest version, with an accompanying way to make it include the commands that you were looking for.
    I thought what might have put you off was that the commands were not the same as the ones you wanted. I was helpfully and kindly taking a few minutes out of my day to suggest a way that you could make it work the way you want rather than letting some other developer take a lot longer out of their day to re-invent the wheel for you.
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    Bump only every 24 hours.
  19. Offline


    Its an hour before -.-
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    Your point? If its just an hour then there should be no problem in waiting that hour :)
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    You'll get over it
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moderators won't touch it when it has been 20 hours
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