Moon World

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PapiDimmi, Mar 6, 2013.

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    [​IMG] Plugin category: FUN, WORLD GENERATORS

    Suggested name: Moon Generator or Moon World or something along those lines

    What I want:
    I've seen mods like this, but not plugins.
    I would like to have a "Moon World" so people like have gravity and jump high, and can build a portal to the world, and it spawns aliens and stuff.

    It was quite a long time since I made this thread, so my ideas have changed quite a lot now.

    It would be quite amazing if there was a custom Moon world that you could generate and make portals to with MultiVerse.

    The Moon would have blocks like End Stone (maybe), and other blocks that may look like the Moon. It would alos have craters, like you mentioned, and huge Moon bases with mob spawners, puzzles, traps and treasures, much like a dungeon, but bigger and more Moon-like. There should be «aliens» there as well, and the aliens would probably be slimes and creepers.

    I don't know if it would be too advanced to make, being that I'm not exactly a plugin developer, but you get the idea.

    Ideas for commands:
    /moonworld - show the list of commands for MoonWorld
    /mw - the same as above (alias for /moonworld)
    /moonworld version - show the current version of MoonWorld
    /moonworld reload - reloads config.yml
    /mw tp- travels to the moon world
    /moonworld setportal {NAME} - set a portal after selecting with the wand set in the config (may need WorldEdit. Works just like Multiverse-Portals)
    /mw removeportal {NAME} or /mw deleteportal {NAME} - remove an existing portal
    /mv tpportal {NAME} - teleport to the location of an existing portal
    Ignore the last three commands, because if it should be compatible with MultiVerse, there's no need for extra portal commands, as MultiVerse can make portals.

    Permission nodes:* - all permission nodes
    moonworld.teleport - teleport to the moonworld using /mw tp - access /moonworld to show a list of commands - access /moonworld version to see the current version for MoonWorld
    moonworld.setportal - access to /mw setportal
    moonworld.removeportal - access to /mw removeportal
    moonworld.tpportal - access to /mw tpportal
    moonworld.portal.admin - access to /mw setportal, /mw removeportal and /mw tpportal
    moonworld.portal.enter.{NAME} - allow the player to enter portal called "{NAME}"
    moonworld.portal.enter.all or moonworld.portal.enter.* - allow the player to access ALL portals

    When I'd like it by: When it's ready.
    JazzaG likes this.
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    I could try to do this, but it might be much simpler. I'll work on it as soon as I can.
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  3. Offline


    Having high jump and world gen is probably as good as you can get(IIRC Dinnerbone made a world generator that's moon-like). Custom mobs isn't possible with a bukkit plugin, although you could always send the client a different texture pack when they teleport to the moon, and sort of emulate that effect.
  4. I sorta wanna make this and have 50% of stone be replaced with endstone and all grass/dirt be replaced with endstone. :3
    PapiDimmi likes this.
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    I like this idea.
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  6. Offline


    Cool idea!
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thanks. Hope someone make this :)

    I'm not good at programming Java, and never made a plugin before, so I hope someone else would make it.
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    PapiDimmi so it's mostly a world generator?
  10. Offline


    EDIT: Yes, it is. With gravity, permissions, commands, portals, aliens, and all that good stuff.

    The aliens could be upside down creepers (creepers named Grumm or Dinnerbone) for example, and they could behave differently.
  11. Offline


    Yeah, me too. I'd have a lot of fun with this on my server too.
  12. I'll see if I can make a world generator that makes the regular world look like the moon with most of the world covered in endstone.
  13. Offline


    Just bumping the post up.
    I'd love the plugin.

    (and yes I know this isn't plugin fastfood...)
  14. Offline


    I realize that since it's server side, no new mobs, blocks or items can be added, but I know that it's possible to have different gravity on certain blocks/in certain biomes, and I know that this can be made. I cannot make it, but if there's a Bukkit pro out there, I would love to see this made.

    I don't know, it's just a fun little idea, I guess. :)
  15. Offline


    PapiDimmi I love the idea of having a unique gameplay environment usually not available to players. I'll see what I can do, it won't be like any mod you would have used because we are unable to modify the gameplay to the extent that those cover. But, I will work on adding craters, and using unique blocks to give it the moon look.

    Can you explain your idea a little more clearly, because I want to make sure that if I attempt to create the plugin I do not leave out any important details.
  16. Offline


    It was quite a long time since I made this thread, so my ideas have changed quite a lot now.

    It would be quite amazing if there was a custom Moon world that you could generate and make portals to with MultiVerse.

    The Moon would have blocks like Ender Stone (maybe), and other blocks that may look like the Moon. It would alos have craters, like you mentioned, and huge Moon bases with mob spawners, puzzles, traps and treasures, much like a dungeon, but bigger and more Moon-like. There should be «aliens» there as well, and the aliens would probably be slimes and creepers.

    I don't know if it would be too advanced to make, being that I'm not exactly a plugin developer, but you get the idea.
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Hey, everybody. This might be easier than you think.

    This plugin could be using BlingGravity and/or BlingGravity RELOADED, but you'd have to ask the developers of those plugins first. Or you can just download the .jar files itself and find the source codes.

    I really want this plugin, and I've been waiting for over a year now.
  19. Offline


    Bump, bump, bumpedy bump. [meat]
  20. Offline


    I know that its possible to be able to do something like this, but using the blocks that are already built into Minecraft. It is possible to create mobs that have there own you can get say a Creeper to be friendly in this world etc.
    PapiDimmi likes this.
  21. Offline


    I cannot believe that I created this thread over one and a half year ago and yet nobody has made this sort of plugin.

    ALL of this is possible, that I know. I'm not saying that it's simple, I'm saying that it's possible. Difficult? Maybe. Possible? Indeed! MrEditor97
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    PapiDimmi The most difficult part is the gravity stuff. The world generator is easy compared to that.
  23. Offline


    Other plugins have had gravity, like I mentioned above.

    So I'd imagine that it can't be that difficult.
    Well, who am I to say that? It may be difficult, but it isn't impossible.
    I really hope someone are able to make this any time soon. [cake]
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why not use those plugins? And if they throw errors: please post them.
  25. Offline


    Oh my gosh, you don't understand, do you?

    They are plugins that includes GRAVITY. And, they are OUTDATED. I want a special Moon-like world generator that includes GRAVITY, and I said that it wasn't impossible to make because there already existed gravity plugins BEFORE, but now they are OUTDATED. Get it?

    And even if they were perfectly fine and up to date, I still wouldn't have used them, because they aren't Moon world generators, they're gravity changers!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    PapiDimmi From my knowledge as developer and end-user:
    Outdated doesn't mean broken till proven otherwise.
    Ever tried using 2 plugins on the same server? You can have a moon generator and have a different plugin handling the gravity.
  27. Offline


    Maybe I can. But what if I tell you that I have tried the gravity plugins I mentioned and they didn't work, eh?
    And what if I also tell you that even if they did work, where am I supposed to find a Moon world generator plugin, then? Eh?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You was complaining that they weren't findable combined, having 2 plugins for this is no shame.
    And do you have an error log? Or anything at all to work with?
    And check out TerrainControl, very likely that somebody made it over there.
  29. Offline


    Having two plugins is no shame, indeed, but where am I going to find a Moon world generator plugin and a gravity modifier plugin? I have neither!

    I highly doubt I can find that on TerrainControl. I might find something somewhat similar, but you forgot the gravity part.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    PapiDimmi Check the second line in my post.
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