MySQL read data

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Leon1309, Oct 21, 2014.

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    Hey Guys,

    i have a problem an i hope sb. can solve it :D I want to read the data of a mysql database. For example:
    Name: Age:
    Leon1309 15

    And now i want to get the age!
    How can i do it?

    Greetings Leon1309
    PS: I'm from germany -> bad egnlish
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    Well you aren't being very specific to what you want here. If you need to get the data then use something along the lines of this query:
    SELECT Age FROM {TableNameWHERE Name "Leon1309";
    Then use the result set you get to get the age. Also I recommend not using names as your unique identifier, and use UUID instead, as names can change in the future.
    FerusGrim likes this.
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    I'm going to assume that, because you're unfamiliar with SQL queries, you're probably unfamiliar with using SQL in conjunction with Java. Use this as an example:

    1. public int getAge(UUID uuid) {
    2. Connection conn = null;
    3. PreparedStatement ps = null;
    4. ResultSet rs = null;
    5. try {
    6. conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + database + "?autoReconnect=true&user=" + user + "&password=" + password);
    7. ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT Age FROM TableName WHERE Uuid = ?;");
    8. ps.setString(1, uuid);
    9. rs = ps.executeQuery();
    10. return rs.getInt(1);
    11. } catch (SQLException e) {
    12. e.printStackTrace();
    13. } finally {
    14. if (conn != null) conn.close();
    15. if (ps != null) ps.close();
    16. if (rs != null) rs.close();
    17. }
    18. return 0;
    19. }

    Then, obviously, you would have a check to see if what is returned is 0, and do whatever you need to do in the case that a query doesn't return anything. Or, if 0 is an acceptable return state, if nothing is returned, return null instead and check for that.
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    And, of course, this should be done on a separate thread so returning the value is not the ideal option, instead it should store it in a variable visible to both threads, or use a callback.
    FerusGrim likes this.
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