[NEED DEV] Atm / advanced currency system

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jusmcl, Mar 31, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: ATM (I know, Such a powerful plugin needs a more powerful name :D)

    What I want: A Plugin that you can create Atm's around the server whether it be defined with certain blocks and a sign or just with a sign on any blocks but if possible make this a configurable possibility in the config.

    The signs should be labelled:

    [ATM] (The Withdraw sign takes $10 from your bank acc and turns it into an iron ingot every
    Withdraw time you right click)

    [ATM] (The Deposit sign takes 1 iron ingot from your inv every time you right click it and turns it Deposit into $10 and adds it to your bank account.)

    Maybe you can configure which ores and resources you can use to convert to money and have different ATMs for each type of resource and be able to configure the amount of money it is worth.

    When using an atm it should deposit into your currently selected account

    I would prefer if this plugin had a built in currency system which could be turned off in config so that people who already have a currency plugin they like can still use it. And so (Im not a Developer obviously) idk if this has to use Vault or not to use other currency systems but I think its a good idea to do so.

    Be able to create more than one Bank account and set a limit per use in config and have like 3-5 different settings ( Ex:
    Account Limits:
    User accs: 3
    Donator accs: 5
    Staff accs: 10
    Special accs: 20

    Also add for an unlimited accounts permission (is automatically for ops)
    Ideas for commands:
    /bank bal <Account Name> - Checks your balance.
    /bank acc list - Lists all of the accounts for the player
    /bank acc create <Account Name> - Creates a new account
    /bank acc del <Account Name> - Closes one of your accounts
    /bank acc switch <Account Name> - switch between one of your accounts so that you use the money deposited in certain accounts.
    /bank info - Tells you info about your bank accounts, Like total money of all Accounts and Which account is currently Selected. Other useful info the player might want to know.
    /bank transfer <player> <ammount> - transfers money to another person
    /bank transferself <acc name> <acc name>Transfers money from one of your accs to another
    /bank admin bal <player> - Check another players ballance (total balance of all accs for that
    /bank admin give <player> <ammount> - Gives a certain ammount of money to another player
    (Money that doesn't come from anyones account it just gives them the money)
    /bank admin acclist <playername> - Shows all bank accs for a certian user.
    /bank admin accdel <playername> <acc name> - Closes a certain bank acc for a certain user.
    (Possibly lists the players bank accs if just /bank admin accdel <playername> is executed
    and then sends a message saying: You need to Define an Account name for the user specified!!!)

    Ideas for permissions:
    bank.* - All commands
    bank.admin - All admin commands
    bank.user - be able to do /bank bal <Account Name>, /bank acc list, /bank acc create <Account Name>, /bank acc del <Account Name>, /bank acc switch <Account Name>, /bank info, /bank transfer, /bank transferself,

    When I'd like it by: Yesterday, Today, Or Tomorrow xD

    Pleas everyone suggest commands and features that should be added and i will add the ones i like to the post!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this post and consider it!

    I have TONS more ideas so if you like to develop plugins and you want to have some good ideas then please let me know if you want to me a plugin dev for my server
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I would seperate the ATM and the economy
  3. Offline


    How come? and you mean like you will do it but with the economy separated? or your just reccomending?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I am just reccomending, I am kinda busy the next weeks/months.

    And if you have 2 economy plugins on 1 server Vault won't like it ;)
  5. Offline


    yea i know. Thats why you can choose in config to disable the atm one like i said above :D
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    cool idea
  8. Offline


    Yuz wanna do it? :D
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    haha well, not too sure - whys there gold ingots? and why not just use Essentials' economy?
  12. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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