[Need Help] How to remove all death messages except PVP messages?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PlayFriik, Nov 23, 2014.

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    So basically, I am editing Annihilation plugin (https://github.com/MCTyler/CrafterNexus) and I just don't like these "*name* died", "*name* fell out of the world" messages, so I need help at this..

    So basically, as far as I know, these are handling death messages, but I can't understand what I have to edit:
        public static String formatDeathMessage(Player victim, Player killer,
                String original) {
            GameTeam killerTeam = PlayerMeta.getMeta(killer).getTeam();
            String killerColor = killerTeam != null ? killerTeam.color().toString()
                    : ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE.toString();
            String killerName = killerColor + killer.getName() + "(" + PlayerMeta.getMeta(killer).getKit() + ")" + ChatColor.GRAY;
            String message = ChatColor.GRAY + formatDeathMessage(victim, original);
            message = message.replace(killer.getName(), killerName);
            return message;
        public static String formatDeathMessage(Player victim, String original) {
            GameTeam victimTeam = PlayerMeta.getMeta(victim).getTeam();
            String victimColor = victimTeam != null ? victimTeam.color().toString()
                    : ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE.toString();
            String victimName = victimColor + victim.getName() + "(" + PlayerMeta.getMeta(victim).getKit() + ")" + ChatColor.GRAY;
            String message = ChatColor.GRAY + original;
            message = message.replace(victim.getName(), victimName);
            if (message.contains(" �8�")) {
                String[] arr = message.split(" �8�");
                message = arr[0];
            return message.replace("was slain by", "was killed by");
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    Moved to Plugin Developement.
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    PlayFriik Shouldn't this work? You would have to check if the death wasn't due to a player but it should work.
    public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event) {
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    Hmm, where should I put this..? Because I put this after the code and then it still says these messages..
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    PlayFriik Did you use it correctly? Do you have your events registered and the EventHandler notation above it?
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    Yes, I added EventHandler notation above it, but I don't know how to register it?
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    Learn the basics of java >.<
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    Well, I learned already the "basics".. Please don't get angry if I am just asking.

    And also, if I can get it to work, then I just learned a new thing.
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    you won't learn out of sponge feeding, show us the entire code you made?
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