Solved Nickname and Ban Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by rdennings, Mar 12, 2014.

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    Im a n00b at making Minecraft plugins so please excuse me if I sound like I don't know what I'm doing.

    Im trying to make a plugin like Essentials or CommandBook (big project for a newbie I know) and Im stuck on a couple of things:

    1) Starting on line 73, I wanted to make a /nick command to set a nickname for a player, this works fine except if you do /nick (without the arguments), I get errors from the console. I added the if/elseif on lines 79, 81, and 89 to help reduce this error, but for some reason, it skips lines 79 and 81 and goes straight to trying to set the nickname, which produces the error.

    2) Starting at line 105, I want to be able to ban a player by the nickname, without getting "User not found". I created /bannick that checks my config file for a user matching the nickname given. I got that part to work, now i just need to figure out how to actually ban that user. Any help with this is appreciated.

    Sorry if that was jumbled, please ask if you are confused and I will try to clarify what I was trying to say.

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    Bumping this so hopefully someone else can help, I am only able to view your code so much through phone, and I am slightly confused. Will be able to help more when I get to my IDE, but hopefully you receive help before.
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    rdennings 97waterpolo
    I would help, but since I'm viewing this with my smartphone, I can't do that now..
    What do the errors say?
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    I managed to get help from another source, If you all want I can post the solutions.
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